Race Reports

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Race Report: 2024 University Road Race Womens P1234

Race: University Road Race Womens P1234

Date: August 18, 2024

AVRT racers: Niky Taylor

Top Result: Niky 3/4

Route: Literally it goes up and then it goes down.

Recap: Hello. I did a race. Here is my report.

I have not raced very much this year because I have been dealing with Long COVID and some psychiatric problems. One of the main symptoms I have is pretty severe fatigue. So we can just say I wasn’t in the best form going into this race.

Day of the race I wavered on whether I would register. But I decided I wanted to race because while feeding the P12 guys I overheard some masters riders saying “you know, I’m dropped, but I’m so glad I can still be out here.” And I liked that sentiment.

I rolled up to the start after having warmed up with some friends. There were a whopping 4 people in our field so we combined with the 3/4/5’s to get to a field of about 15. They blew the whistle and I started my first race in months.

The first few laps were pretty uneventful but fast. I marked Ilan (Terun) and Jackie (Roxo racing) who I figured were the two main threats. I kept an eye on Hannah (Terun) too. The rest of the riders were 3/4/5’s. One Sprinkles girl kept attacking on the descent, but she kept getting brought back on the climb. 

After a few laps, I felt pretty bad. But we turned onto the climb and I noticed Hannah fading back from Ilan and Jackie a bit. I figured now was a good time to weaken Terun, so I surged up to Ilan and Jackie and hit the gas. I set a PR on the climb and dropped everyone except Ilan and Jackie. On the descent the sendy Sprinkles rider bridged up to us. 

I was pretty gassed. My heart rate had been maxed out for a while and my recovery is not very good right now. I kept with our group of 4 for another lap and then broke. I tried to fight through it. The Sprinkles girl towed me back on the descent and I was able to bridge up to Ilan and Jackie, but again halfway through the climb I couldn’t hold on. I accepted that this was probably my race, I know my form isn’t where it used to be, and I’m trying to be ok with it. The world was spinning.

Sprinkles girl caught up to me and tried to get me hyped. I was like I am sorry but I cannot hype right now. She tried to help me be more aero on the descent which was nice, I was like yeah sorry I know how this works I’m just so dizzy I think I might fall off my bike. But she was really nice so I tried to pace her on the climb, and then my legs really gave out for good. 

I cheered her on and then started trying to recover. I was about an hour into the race and hadn’t eaten or drank much, so I hoped this fatigue spell was at least half bonk and I started *consuming.* 

At the feed zone, I saw Hannah had pulled out of the race. I thought hm, I should pull out of the race. I am done. I could be really done. But Cam was there and he was so committed to giving me water and Louise had come out to cheer me on. And I wanted to finish the stupid thing I started. And there were only three of us, so what the heck, so long as I finished I could get some velo promo money and a wacky Tshirt.

So I kept telling myself one more lap. I will do one more lap and then I will see how I feel. And every lap at the feed zone I saw Cam and Louise and told them “I feel so great” while moving at about 2 miles per hour and Louise would laugh and Cam would say “you look great” or something like that and dump water on my head and I’d keep going.

I was so relieved to be lapped, because when Ilan and Jackie finally came around with 4 laps to go I automatically got to go down to 3. Ilan told me to hop back on with them and I did on the descent, but then immediately felt something cold on my leg and looked down to see sealant shooting out my back tire. I slowed down in case it totally blew out, but it held. I caught back on with them but was too gassed again to hang on the climb. I was really limping my way to the finish.

But I did it. Every lap I thought I’d stop and every lap I kept going, so I was proud of myself for that. I got to stand on the box and Ilan gave me her Bariani bag since apparently 3rd place P1234 didn’t get one, which was really sweet of her. 

Overall I’m glad I did this because it was great to get out and see people, even if I was the absolute dead last person to finish racing, down one lap with my heart rate at 190, course marshals cleaning up the course as I passed. I miss being in top form and I wish I could get back there, but at least I’m able to get out and do things again. And I’m proud of myself for getting out there even when I knew it was going to be rough and ultimately finishing a really tough course. 

Nutrition: Speednut spring energy at the start line, 1.5 sleeves of clif bloks and 3-4 bottles of water + skratch during the race
Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/12183485194

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