A Ride
The A rides are led by the Alto Velo Racing Team and feature a hard, consistent pace for 3-5 hours of riding. The Sunday A Ride is the most challenging ride offered by Alto Velo. The Saturday A Ride offers a pace between the Saturday B Ride and the Sunday A Ride and is focused on endurance. Most routes will include shorter options in case you want to join for the first part but have afternoon commitments or don't (yet!) have the fitness to hang in for the whole ride. These rides do not stop often, so two full bottles and plenty of snacks are highly recommended.
Start Point: Summit Bicycles at 392 California Ave in Palo Alto
Start Time:
Saturday A Ride: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.
Sunday A Ride:
October - May: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.
June - September: Meet at 8 a.m. Roll at 8:10 a.m.
Pace: Fast. Expect to climb Old La Honda in 21 minutes or less.
Regroups: Rarely. Highly recommended that you know the route and/or download to your head unit.
Example route: https://www.strava.com/routes/10975526
The A Rides are subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
See below for details of the upcoming rides as well as past rides.
AV A Ride Sunday 3/9/25 Montebello- down WALP - up 84/Sky
Sunday is looking to be sunny and warm despite the forecast earlier this week! Come on out as we embark on a fun little jaunt around town. We’ll start by ascending Montebello, traverse the dirt section to Page Mill (we will be taking it nice and easy, don’t you worry), descend W Alpine, up on 84/ skyline north, descend 92, back on Canada. We’ll stop briefly at the water fountain on page mill (~mile 21) and then again at the trading post at 84/ skyline (~mile 38). Pace on the climbs is whatever your heart desires as we will regroup at the top. Rest of the ride is conversational pace. Come on out!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3333256084045041554
Summary: 69 miles, 6600 ft
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Brad Lovegren
AV A Endurance - 3/8/25 Bigger Basin
Taking advantage of a race free weekend with an epic Big Basin ride, but modified. We’ll be going up Page Mill, along Big Basin, up Jamison, down Pine Flat and Felton Empire, up Zayante and Hutchinson, down HWY 9, and roll along on Foothill back to Summit.
We’ll have two water stops, one at mile 39.8 Jamison Creek Fire Station, and the second at mile 78.75 Castle Rock, with a lunch break at Wild Roots
Get ready for a 103.81 mile ride with 11,811 feet of elevation gain. Keep a steady 3-3.5 W/kg up the hills, regroup at the top of climbs, and no-drop pace line on the flats and rollers.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3331707823899388748
Summary: 103 mi / 11,800 feet: Summit Bicycles > Page Mill > Big Basin > Jamison > Zayante > Hutchison > HWY 9 > Foothill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Rachel Hwang
Saturday A Ride - 3/1/2025 - Page Mill/Montevina/Bear Creek
Hello riders, we are going down to Lexington Reservoir this week! We’ll start by climbing Page Mill, going South on Skyline, and after a quick water stop at Castle Rock we can enjoy a ripping descent on the rest of Skyline and Black Rd all the way down to the reservoir. Then we will turn left, climb Montevina, and come back down - don’t get too distracted by the spectacular views as the descent is a bit technical! There’s nowhere to get water until we get back to Los Gatos/Saratoga. From the top of Bear Creek we’ll go left on Summit and then enjoy a nice gentle descent down Old Santa Cruz Hwy before circling around the reservoir to the gravel trail back to Los Gatos. From there it’s just Toll Gate to Eden to Foothill and back home.
Please bring two big bottles!! We’ll be doing around 3.0-3.5 w/kg all day but with minimal stopping, so that we can ideally get y’all home at a decent time.
See you there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3330317323664617182
Summary: 75 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Page Mill > Skyline > Black Rd > up & down Montevina > Bear Creek > Toll Gate to Pierce/Eden > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Michael Matthews
Sunday A Ride - 3/2/2025 - Bohlman to Saratoga
This Sunday will be incredibly climbing dense, packing in over 11k feet of elevation gain in under 90 miles. Beware: there is also a short dirt section between Bohlman and Montevina. Because of the amount of climbs, we won’t be pushing anything beyond 5wkg up the climbs. Expect an average of 4.2-4.5wkg up climbs. The steepness will be fatiguing, and as such will determine the pace in some sections. The weather is also looking on the colder/wetter side, so be sure to dress accordingly. See you all out there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3324175657118933122
Summary: 86 miles / 11300ft: Summit Bicycles > OLH > HW84 > Alpine > Skyline > HW9 > Redwood > Bohlman > Montevina > Black Rd > Skyline > Pagemill > Summit Bicycles
Water Stops: Sky Londa (14.5mi), Saratoga (47mi), Skyline Fire Station (68mi)
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Devin Wilson
Sunday A-Ride – 2/23/25 – Half Moon Bay
For this Sunday’s A-Ride, we’ll head out to Half Moon Bay and enjoy the warmer weather. Target pace will be 3.5-4 W/kg on climbs, 3 W/kg everywhere else. We’ll have a coffee stop in Half Moon Bay at mile 42, as well as a short regroup at Alice’s earlier in the ride. I hope to see you there!
Route: http://strava.com/routes/3327870070855321118
Summary: 71 miles / 6,700 feet: Summit Bicycles > OLH > 84 > Higgins Canyon > Half Moon Bay > 1 > Lobitos/Tunitas Creek > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: George Wehner
Saturday A-Ride 2/22 - Kings, Pescadero, West Alpine, Shake Shack
Hello team, there is a huge cars and coffee meet happening at Sky Londa this Saturday (see @9burgring instagram account) so we will do our best to avoid riding on 84 and Skyline. We’re going to do a sort of repeat of a route I used last month and go up Kings, down Tunitas, to Stage Rd all the way to Pescadero where we’ll grab a quick snack (~20 mins) before climbing Pescadero Creek (the back side of Haskins) back up to West Alpine. This Saturday is our second Shake Shack™ ride so we will head straight there after descending Page Mill for FREE MILKSHAKES!!!
Pace: 3 w/kg on the climbs PLEASE - there has been discontent with this ride’s pace lately so I am going to enforce a true endurance pace this week. Plus it is still winter and half of us have been sick recently… I mean, If you think about it, a strict endurance pace around fatmax is ideal, actually, because after 4-5 hours of burning fat imagine how much better you’ll feel about eating our state mandated Shake Shack™, both physically and mentally! Also, if you think even harder, if you go too far beyond tempo pace, that puts more cortisol in your bloodstream which makes it harder to burn fat, which means you wouldn’t enjoy your Shake Shack as much, so if you show up and start blasting 5+ w/kg that’s basically saying you dislike Shake Shack™, and we’re not allowed to badmouth our sponsors, so actually it’s just straight up illegal to not ride at my pace.
We will of course regroup at the top of each climb as usual. There may still be debris present from the recent rain so as usual, take care when descending Tunitas and Page Mill, but otherwise the weather looks like it should be absolutely wonderful so I hope you will join us for a lovely ride to the coast!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3327176402043761444
Summary: 72 miles / 7,300 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Kings Mountain > Tunitas/Lobitos Creek > Hwy 1 to Pigeon Point > Cloverdale > Pescadero Creek Rd > West Alpine > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Richard Red
Sunday A Ride- 02.16.Boulder Creek
Wishing anyone who is racing Pine Flat tomorrow a fun and safe day.
If you are missing Pine Flat, you can join an “endurance” pace ride tomorrow. This Sunday we will head to Boulder Creek through Pagemill.
I will remain in Z2 in flat/roller sections (~ 2.5-3 W/kg pace) and I if you are on doubt just follow my pace. Feel free hammer the two longer climbs (page mill and Highway 9 out of BC) as long as you don’t mind waiting at the top where we will regroup. We will have 1 or 2 short water stops (5 min each) at fire station and/or Castle rock and a 20 min stop in Boulder creek before riding Highway 9 to Skyline.
Summary: 70 miles / 7,100 feet: Summit Bicycles > Stanford Ave > Old page > page > Skyline > summit> bear creak > Boulder Creek >9 > RWG >Foothill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati
Saturday A-Ride 2/15 - Kings/Haskins/W. Alpine
Hi everyone, let’s hit two classic climbs on the peninsula this Saturday, in a (at least for me) less usual way with Kings on the way to the coast and West Alpine/Page on the way back. Of course, not missing Pescadero and 84 inbetween. I was more sick than healthy this winter, so won’t break any w/kg records - the goal is to keep real endurance pace and not destroy the group, but the 2 climbs are long enough to smash it if you want… but let’s try to keep it to two re-groups max. The wind should be mild, though it will most likely blow straight to our faces on 84, so composed riding with turns or paceline would be great!
Pescadero is a must stop to satisfy the caffeine addiction some of us suffer from (ehm), we can also do a second stop if necessary.
Seems the rainy days are over now (hooray!), but let’s hope for more wind and sun this Friday to dry out the roads. See you on Saturday!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3325377853278193012
Summary: 75 miles / 7,200 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Kings > Skyline > Haskins > Pescadero > Stage > HW84 > West Alpine > Page > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Vlad Michalec
AV A Race Ride - 02/09/2025 (King’s & Pescadero)
This week’s Sunday A ride will be a nice Kings Mountain & Pescadero. Go as hard as you would like on the climbs! The ride will be race pace, but will be regrouping at the top of each climb.
Water stops are located at: Sky Londa (Mile 24) and Pescadero (Mile 45).
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3323476506705585456
Summary: 76.48 mi / 7176 feet: Summit Bicycles > Arastradero -> Portola -> King’s Mountain -> HW84 -> Stage -> Pescadero -> Alpine -> Page Mill -> Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Devin Wilson
AV A Endurance - 2025-02-08 - Big Basin
This Saturday we will head to Big Basin through Pagemill with an “endurance” pace.
I will remain in Z2 in flat/roller sections (~ 3-3.5 W/kg pace) and I expect civility. Feel free ride the two longer climbs (page mill and bear creek) at your own [quick] pace as long as you don’t mind waiting at the tope where we will regroup. We will have 2 short water stops (5 min each) at fire station and Castle rock and a 20 min stop in Boulder creek before climbing Bear Creek.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3323111649806951754
Summary: 80 miles / 8,700 feet: Summit Bicycles > Stanford Ave > Old > page > Skyline > 9 > 236 > Big Basin > Boulder Creek >Bear Creek > Skyline >Page > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati
AV A - 2025-02-02 - Race Sims
Hi all,
This Sunday 2/2 we will be using the A ride to run through some race scenarios and simulations. While you don’t need to be an active racer to join (the first half of the ride in particular will provide some good practice navigating a fast peloton), you should expect a race-pace ride. It will be wet; bring rain gear/fenders, let some air out of your tires, and ride safe.
We’ll meet at Summit Bicycles at 9am and roll easy along the Spectrum route to Cañada Rd. Then we’ll do a couple laps back and forth between Jefferson Rd and the Bike Path, practicing pacelining, leadouts, and general group riding skills.
Once we’ve had our fill of Cañada, we’ll roll through Woodside for a quick stop to fill up bottles. We’ll then begin some practice races using the AV Pop Up Crit course (Mt Home/Whiskey Hill loops followed by the Firehouse or Alpine sprints).
Route (or a rough idea of it): https://www.strava.com/routes/3320905909635036294
Summary: Portola, Cañada reps, Pop Up Crit reps.
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Cameron O’Reilly
AV A Endurance - 2025-01-25 - Haskins - Higgins - HMB - Tunitas - SHAKE SHACK
Hi everyone!
This Saturday will the first Shack Track & Field Ride of the year. We will take OLH to Haskins and go up Stage through the coastal foothills to HMB. We will enjoy a ~10min coffee stop in HMB before climbing the combo Lobitos - Tunitas. Arriving on Skyline, we go down Kings regrouping briefly at the top and then bottom, after a safe descent, to travel as a group to Shake Shack.
I will enforce a relatively strict 3-3.5 W/kg pace on flatter sections and strive for pacelining. I will personally keep a similar pace when climbing but people should feel free to go at the their own pace on OLH, Haskins and Tunitas. There will be quick regroups at the tops of these climbs. Apart from the coffee break in HMB, we will attempt to minimize our stops and keep a steady pace all around, likely adding a water stop (if needed) in Pescadero.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3316893613510467556
Summary: 83 miles / 8,030 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > OLH > 84 > Haskins > Pescadero > Stage > HW1 > Verde > Purisima > Higgins > HMB > HW1 > Lobitos > Tunitas > Kings > Whiskey Hill > Sand Hill > Shake Shack (180 El Camino Real Suite #950, Palo Alto, CA 94304)
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Michael Matthews
AV A Ride - 1/19 - Coastal Classic
Hey Folks,
This Sunday we’ll be doing the Coastal Classic. The pace will be endurance and we’ll regroup at the top of OLH and Tunitas with a stop at the bike hut.
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet at 9:00, Roll at 9:10
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40102681
Ride Leader: Grant
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
AV A Endurance - 2025-01-18 - Pacifica - HMB - Lobitos - Tunitas
Hi everyone!
This Saturday we will embark on an adventure to the coast, first making our way north Pacifica through Cañada - Skyline and then down Highway 1 to Half Moon Bay. We will enjoy a ~20min coffee stop there before climbing the combo Lobitos - Tunitas. Arriving on Skyline, we will either go down 84 or Kings depending on how much more cycling our legs can tolerate at this point.
I will enforce a relatively strict 3-3.5 W/kg pace on flatter sections (especially on HW1 where we will make an attempt at pacelining). I will personally keep a similar pace when climbing but people should feel free to go at the their own pace on Tunitas, and we will regroup at the top. Apart from the coffee break in HMB, we will attempt to minimize our stops and keep a steady pace all around.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3314813407463172068
Summary: 77 miles / 6,300 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Manzanita > Cañada > Skyline > Sharp Park Road > HW1 > HMB > HW1 > Lobitos > Tunitas > Skyline > 84 > Summit Bicyles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Maxime Cauchois
Sunday A-Ride – 1/12/25 – Big Basin
This week’s Sunday A-Ride will be a classic Big Basin loop. As always, feel free to have fun on the climbs—I'll be riding at an endurance pace, so come join us even if you’re not going for PRs. We’ll regroup at the top of each climb (and any descents if we get separated) to make sure everyone stays together.
We’ll stop for water at the following locations: just before climbing RWG/9 (mile 13), at the Jamison Creek Rd. fire station (mile 40), and at Castle Rock (mile 60). This is a long ride, so we’ll keep stops quick, and please bring all the food you need.
Hope to see you out there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3313353395705371632
Summary: 82 mi / 8400 feet: Summit Bicycles > Foothill > Redwood Gulch > Congress Spring Road > Big Basin Way > Boulder Creek > Bear Creek Road > Skyline > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Henry Mallon
Saturday A-Ride 1/11 - Kings, Pigeon Point, West Alpine
Hello friends, this week we’re going to take advantage of some southerly winds on the coast by going up Kings, down Tunitas to Lobitos to Hwy 1, and pacelining it together all the way down to Pigeon Point Lighthouse. From there we’ll come back on Cloverdale and do a quick detour into downtown Pescadero for water, and if people feel like it, a longer lunch stop with a sandwich, some pastries, maybe some freshly baked artichoke bread 🤤🤤… and then climbing back up Pescadero Creek Rd to West Alpine.
Tunitas should be pretty dry, but it’s still not an easy descent and there may still be debris so take care. I will strictly be doing like 3 w/kg on the climbs so you can send it if you want, but you will have to wait and regroup at the top. It should be a beautiful, sunny day on the coast and I hope you will join us!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3312852097101661486
Summary: 81 miles / 7,800 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Kings Mountain > Tunitas/Lobitos Creek > Hwy 1 to Pigeon Point > Cloverdale > Pescadero Creek Rd > West Alpine > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Richard Red
Sunday A-Ride – 1/05/25 – To the coast
Welcome to 2025! For our first Sunday A ride of the year, we’ll be doing a classic loop, hitting some of our favorite roads. It should be pretty nice out, so come join us for a good time. As always, have some fun on the climbs, cause we’ll be regrouping at the top of each (except Haskins, we’ll regroup after the descent at Wright Drive, just after the YMCA sign because the group often breaks up again on that twisty descent). Pace everywhere else will be steady, if you’re feeling extra good feel free to spend some time on the front to give others a break :)
We’ll plan to have two stops, one quick 5 minute stop at mile 20 Sky Londa just before we descend 84 to top off bottles, and second slightly longer 5-10 min stop in Pescadero at mile 54 to refill bottles. This is a long ride and my goal is not to stop for a full coffee or anything in Pesky, please bring all the calories you need! If you don’t mind the extra weight, pack an extra gel or two for people who forget :) If you need water after King’s to get home, there is a nice fountain at the Woodside Store park at the intersection with Tripp Rd. after we descend
If people are feeling extra good on the ride, we can add on Lobitos Creek Rd before Tunitas, one of my favorite little climbs. It adds roughly 4 miles and 750 feet of climbing to the total.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3310820426123560182
Summary: 88 mi / 8000 feet: Summit Bicycles > King’s > STOP IN SKY LONDA > 84 > Haskins > Bean Hollow > Cloverdale > STOP IN PESKY > Stage > (OPTIONAL LOBITOS CREEK IF UP FOR IT) > Tunitas > King’s > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Nathan Martin
Saturday A-Ride 1/4 - Big Basin + Bear Creek
Hello friends and happy new year! What better way to kick off 2025 than with a nice chill ride to Big Basin? We’ll go up Redwood Gulch and come back on Skyline/Page Mill. I plan on doing a quick stop for a snack at Jenna Sue’s Cafe before we go up Bear Creek, and then we can get water at Castle Rock on the way home if necessary. We are strictly going at an ENDURANCE pace - I will be doing no more than 3 w/kg on the climbs. I understand spirits are high with the festive holidays but it is still the middle of winter and we don’t want to hammer it and risk burning out before the racing season even begins. Also in general please descend Hwy 9 and Page Mill with care as there has been a lot of dirt and gravel in the road from all the rain.
If it is exceedingly damp up on Skyline and it seems unwise to descend into Big Basin we can play it by ear and improvise another route, but I’m really looking forward to riding down there and getting some solid climbing in with you all. Hope to see you there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3109228900816175550
Summary: 83 miles / 8,300 feet: Summit Bicycles > Foothill/Stevens Canyon > Redwood Gulch/Hwy 9 > Big Basin > Bear Creek > Skyline to Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Richard Red
Sunday A-Ride – 12/29/24 – Pescadero In-N-Out
For this week’s edition of the Sunday A-Ride, we’ll do an out ‘n back route to Pescadero. While we’re there we will have the opportunity to take in views and maintain power during the 84 descent, before filling up in town and going back up and over the mountains. Please dress appropriately as there is a good chance it will be a bit wet, and pack in the nutrition you will need for the duration of the ride. I would like to keep stops to a minimum, so I would also like to emphasize this ride is an excellent opportunity to practice eating/drinking as needed within the group.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3307566523616898294
Summary: 76.96 mi / 6,556 feet: Summit Bicycles > Alpine > Portola > Old La Honda > 84> Pescadero Rd > Pescadero Creek Rd > Summit Bicycles > Pescadero Downtown (Water) > Pescadero Creek Rd > Pescadero Rd > 84 > W Old La Honda > 84 (Other side) > Woodside Rd > Mountain Home > Portola > Alpine > Arastadero > Page Mill > Old Page Mill > Summit Bicyles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Clark Penado
Alto Velo A Ride- Sunday 12.22.2024- Big Basin-Zayante
This Sunday A ride is heading to Santa Cruz Mountains for a tour of Big Basin and Zayante. The pace will be endurance, you are welcome to go hard on Pagemill and Zayante but expected to stay together as a group everywhere else. While we regroup at top of 2 main climbs and after long descents, we want to keep moving to be bale to finish before dark. We will only have a 20 min food/water stop in Felton at Mile 50, so please bring enough food/ water. A bit ambitious for a short December day but I am optimistic about our chances.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3305426245654545002
Summary: 93 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Stanford> Page > 35 > 9 > 236 > 9 > Felton > Zayante > Skyline > 9 > RWG > Foothill > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati