Egan 2024.25 - Top Performers

What a great way to celebrate the end of Summer with a splash down at Jack’s at the end of the last segment. Who could turn down a slice of heat & sweet pizza after a hot & steep Egan ride! Events like this are made possible by the Alto Velo Race Club and your continued membership is greatly appreciated! Be on the lookout for 2025 membership registration near the end of the year.

Here are the results and some photos from Egan 2024 #25:

Official results:

Laura Formosa was rider of the day again with PRs on all 13 segments and 4 top 10s. Jen Tavé took the top GC spot for the women with 9 PRs and 9 top 10s while Matin Massoudi took the GC crown for the men with 9 PRs and 2 top 10s!

Note: If you’re wondering how to show up in the results, here’s how it works:

  • Upload your ride that evening (the results are tabulated early Wednesday mornings)

  • In your privacy controls, make sure that everyone can see your activities (if you’re worried about privacy, Strava has other settings such as restricting your profile page to followers and map start/end point visibility)

  • You have to complete all segments to show up in the GC


Egan 2024.26 - Moody Blues


Egan 2024.25 - Cool Down End @ Jack’s!