Egan 2024.22 - Top Performers

Emeraldhill Lane. Who would’ve thought that a 0.08 mile segment would cause so much frustration? Several riders reported that Strava didn’t properly record the segment, either causing an inaccurate time or not identifying the segment at all in their ride data. As Egan éminence grise Dirk Bergstrom pointed out, Strava isn’t so good at dealing with short segments, and in fact no longer allows them to be created. More info here:

For this reason, we removed Emeraldhill Lane from the official results:

For those of you who hammered up Emeraldhill (and most of you did) and didn’t face any GPS inaccuracy issues, here are the original results: It should be noted that our own Robin Betz got the QOM!

Marc Osswald was rider of the day with PRs on all 10 segments. Robin Betz got the top spot on the women’s GC and Matin Massoudi was the men’s GC leader.

Note: If you’re wondering how to show up in the results, here’s how it works:

  • Upload your ride that evening (the results are tabulated early Wednesday mornings)

  • In your privacy controls, make sure that everyone can see your activities (if you’re worried about privacy, Strava has other settings such as restricting your profile page to followers and map start/end point visibility)

  • You have to complete all segments to show up in the GC


Egan 2024.23 - Sprint Delight! Women’s ride is on!


Egan 2024.22