Egan 2023.07 Top Performers
Wow, that was an especially tough Egan ride with lots of great performances all around! We split the ride into 2 groups, and anecdotally, it seemed that Group 2 (birth months Jul-Dec) was a bit faster than Group 1 (Jan-Jun). Was this a random coincidence or statistical proof that birth month is correlated with athletic performance?
Notable observations: some riders took a wrong turn on the Anacapa segment, a pedestrian was prevented from crossing the road and there were reports of a few crossing double yellow lines. Please follow the prescribed route and group ride safety rules.
To all fast riders who get ahead of the leaders: check the route and tag the segments on Strava beforehand. That’s why we post the route on the mailing list, website and Egan Slack Channel. You most likely have a magical GPS device on your bars/stem that maps out the route and also notifies you when the segment starts and ends!
For all of you who are not members of Alto Velo and regularly attend the Egan ride, we invite and welcome you to join AV as reciprocal appreciation for all the hard work that the club does to organize these rides. Let’s keep the ride advertisement-free before we have to make a mid-ride stop for a timeshare sales pitch (LOL). It’s nearly cost neutral when you add up all the club benefits (sponsor discounts, picnics, pizza, banquets)!
Niky Taylor was rider of the day with PRs on all 12 segments, 7 top 10s, and a QOM on Coyote Hill! She was also tops in the women’s GC. On the men’s side, Yann Le Guen got top honors with George Wehner only 1 second behind. Honorable mention goes to Richard Red who posted a hilarious meme to his Strava feed (pic below).
NB: want on the leaderboards? Join the club:
Photo credit: Roger Pai
Meme credit: Richard Red