C Ride
Alto Velo Saturday morning rides now start at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto.
Summit is Alto Velo's Sponsoring bike shop. Another big plus to the new start location, Terun, also a Alto Velo Sponsor, is just up the street with fabulous Italian food & attentive service.
On the C Ride (formerly known as the “Peet's Ride”) we enjoy a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (tho’ a workout it is). We practice group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled paceline.
Start: Saturdays 9:00am from Summit Bicycles at 392 California Ave in Palo Alto, rolling at 9:15am, a few minutes after the B Ride departs
Pace: Double paceline when conditions allow, jamming as hard as you like on the climbs, sticking together otherwise. On most C Ride routes riders can skip the climbs, if desired, by waiting for the group at regroup points
Regroups: We regroup at the top and bottom of hills and recover after every climb
Example route: https://www.strava.com/routes/2977827685383107158 (click here to see more)
The C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
New riders welcome!
If you’re a new rider or haven’t done a group ride before, there are many critical things that one needs to know about biking in general & about group biking in particular, some of them not so obvious. It's a good idea to learn these not-the-hard-way 😉.
Check out this blog post “How to avoid being that rider”: https://trainright.com/14-group-ride-etiquette-tips-avoid-guy-girl/
To improve your group riding skills, consider joining a skills clinic. Lorri Lown's road biking clinics have worked for many: https://savvybike.com/clinics-and-camps-new/
A simple bike fit might also make a huge difference to your comfort & safety on the bike. For instance, many riders don't feel comfortable riding “in the drops” of the handlebars. However, riding in the drops offers, by far, the most overall control & braking ease. Alto Velo sponsor Agile Physical Therapy offers bike fit assessments.
See below for details of the next ride as well as past rides.
AV-C Ride Oct 19, 2024 - OLH / 35/92/Water Temple/ Woodside / PV
Hi All
We are going to finish off the rest of Skyline. The regroups will be @ the typical spots (see below) accept for 35 & 92 where we will wait for a bit to let folks catch up as we will undoubtedly get fragmented on the very fast skyline segment to 92. Hopefully no heavy cross winds.
Let’s try to stay in a cohesive group on Canada & Portola so we can “pull” together. quote of the day, ”it’s easy to pass, it’s hard to lead”
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Route - OLH, 35, 92 (aka 9 to 35 completion)
Start Time
Meet: 9:00 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Eric and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Sky Londa - water / bathroom
35 & 92 (quick stop)
Water Temple - water / bathroom
Portola & Alpine
Back Yard Brew
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C Ride Oct 12, 2024 - OLH / WOLH / Woodside / PV
Hi All
Saturday is Day of the Horse in Woodside. There are organized trail rides from 11 - 3. At 3, the horses and riders will end up at the Horse Park. We should have minimal interaction with them, but as we travel through Woodside let’s make sure to call out “cyclists back” to let the riders and horses know we are coming by.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Day of the Horse
Start Time
Meet: 9:00 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Ed Stewart and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Alpine / Portola
Sky Londa (2x) - water / bathroom
Bottom E84
Top Of Willowbrook
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
Alto Velo C Ride Oct5’24
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Page Mill, Hwy 84E, Jefferson
39 miles, 3.4k' vertical
We will pick up where Ed left us, at the bottom of Page Mill Road which we’ll climb it before it gets too hot.
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: first regroup at the top of Page Mill, across Skyline Road; remaining regroups called out at each stop
AV-C Ride Oct 12, 2024 - OLH / WOLH / Woodside / PV
Hi All
Saturday is Day of the Horse in Woodside. There are organized trail rides from 11 - 3. At 3, the horses and riders will end up at the Horse Park. We should have minimal interaction with them, but as we travel through Woodside let’s make sure to call out “cyclists back” to let the riders and horses know we are coming by.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Day of the Horse
Start Time
Meet: 9:00 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Ed Stewart and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Alpine / Portola
Sky Londa (2x) - water / bathroom
Bottom E84
Top Of Willowbrook
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C The Rez Loop via side streets 9/21/24
Hi Peloton
We are going around the reservoir including the hated Comer climb.
Please download the rout. https://www.strava.com/routes/3271893106517906348
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link.
We WILL stay together until the Quarry for a quick regroup. See the list of regroups below
Please maintain your “line” in the peloton and safe riding practices!!!
New riders introduce yourself
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: The REZ Loop via side streets
Stats: ~44mi, ~3800ft
The Quarry (a quicky)
Rancho San Antonio, Water/Bathrooms
Mt. Winery
Top of Comer
McClellan ranch Water/Bathrooms
We will zig zag our way through Rancho & LA hills back.
Final regroup @ Back Yard Brew
Thank you,
AV-C Ride Sept 14, 2024 - King, Swett, 92, Canada
Hi All
Last week was brutal. Those steep climbs were tough, and I am so glad my newish bike has a 35-33. This week we only have 1 steep pitch on Swett, and the rest is more straight forward. There is also an option to avoid Swett and just meet the group at Swett / 35 (Skyline) if you so desire.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
~47 miles and 3,800 ft
Start Time
Meet: 9:00 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Ed Stewart and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Alpine / Portola
Tripp - Old Woodside Store (water) if necessary
Top of Kings
Swett / 35
Pulgas Water Temple (water)
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C Ride Sept 7, 2024 - Stevens Canyon, Redwood Gulch, Sanborn, Quarry Road
Hi All
This week’s ride is for punchy climbers. No extended hills, but a few steeper segments but nothing lasting longer than 1 mile.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Steven’s Canyon, Redwood Gulch and Quarry Road
~47 miles and 3,700 ft
Start Time
Meet: 9:00 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Ed Stewart and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Stevens Canyon / Mt. Eden (mile 14.3) - water
Saratoga (mile 29) - water
Stevens Canyon / Mt. Eden (mile 34.3) - water
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C Ride August 31st, 2024 - OLH & W-OLH + Joaquin (UPDATE)
Hi All
With the Kings Mt Art Fair, the route was UPDATED, and we will do three climbs; Old La Honda Rd, West OLH, and Joaquin. We will use our typical regroup spots of 84 & Skyline and Little Peoples Park before Joaquin. There are some options we can discuss the morning of the ride. The weather forecast is look’n good and hope to see you Saturday.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: OLH & W-OLH + Joaquin
Stats: 42.5 mi, 3,919 ft
Portola Rd and Alpine
84 and Skyline
Huddart Park
Backyard Brew
Ride Leader: John
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
AV-C The Amazing Maize Maze of Amazing Roads 8/24/24
Hi Peloton
Back by popular demand, we will be taking back roads from PA to LG
The route is comprised of a bunch of short climbs the longest of which is 1.5 miles. There about 75 turns between Palo Alto to Los Gatos so please download the route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3004989917176249572
We WILL stay together until the Quarry for a quick regroup. See the list of regroups below
Please maintain your “line” in the peloton and maintain safe riding practices!!!
New riders introduce yourself
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: The amazing maize maze of amazing road (https://www.strava.com/routes/3004989917176249572)
Stats: ~50mi, ~4100ft
Finish: Backyard Brew
The Quarry (a quicky)
Rancho San Antonio, Water/Bathrooms
Springer Ave. & Hwy 9 to wait for traffic
Villa Mantalvo, Water/Bathrooms if needed
Town Plaza park @ N Santa Cruz Ave. & W. Main St.
McClellan park, Water/Bathroom
Final regroup @ Backyard Brew
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Aug17’24
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: King’s Mountain, Swett, 84E
40 miles, 3.8k' vertical
This route has some classic climbs and descents, with La Cresta Dr thrown in for a fun finish. The weather forecast is awesome and I hope to see a lot of you out on this ride.
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: first regroup in Huddart Park*, with the rest called out in real-time
* right turn at “T”, then down to water and bathrooms near the volleyball courts
AV-C Ride August 10th, 2024 - Portola State Park
Hi All
This week’s route is an endurance climbing ride with two major climbs, Page Mill and Portola St Rd/Alpine. If you did the Coastal route, this route has about the same amount of elevation gain (~5k). Climbing Page Mill, we will have a regroup at Foothill Park, where there’s water and restrooms. Next regroup will be at the top, before descending into Portola State Park. When descending to the park, please keep to the left at the fork and don’t continue down Alpine; we will have a short regroup to make sure. At Portola State Park, it is a full facility. After our regroup at the park, we will climb back up to Skyline where we’ll have another regroup. The route is very scenic, so if you miss it on the downhill, you’ll have time to enjoy it on the way back up. From all the routes we have done, this is the simplest of routes and you just need to make sure you don’t go down Alpine Road at the turn, but people will be there to make sure. There are some options we can discuss the morning of the ride. The climb out of the park could take up to an hour, so it’s a double water bottle day.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Portola State Park
Stats: 38.5 mi, 4,978 ft
Foothill Park
Top of Alpine before downhill
Portola State Park Rd and Alpine
Portola State Park
Portola State Park Rd and Alpine
Backyard Brew
Ride Leader: John
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
AV-C Ride August 3rd, 2024 - Three Vistas
Hi All,
After a July filled with trips to the West side of the ridge, we will start August off with a route closer to home. What better way to appreciate our corner of the bay area than to get three different perspectives on it?
This Saturday, we will roll down to Mora to get our first photo op at the top of Rancho San Antonio. We will then wind through the Los Altos Hills via Taffe and Altamont to Foothills Park for scenic Vista #2, plus bathrooms and water. After a quick descent and regroup we will wind through Portola Valley and Woodside before our second water break at the Old Woodside Store. Then it’s off to Cañada College for our last Vista, followed by a meander through Emerald Hills and a smooth roll to Backyard Brew via Alameda De Las Pulgas.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Mora, Foothills Park, Cañada College
Stats: 46 mi, 3,750 ft
Top of Mora
Foothills Park (water, bathrooms)
Page & Arrastradero (quick)
Alpine & Portola (quick)
Woodside Store (water)
Cañada College
Farm Hill Blvd (quick)
Backyard Brew
Ride Leader: Jonathan
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
AV-C Ride July 27, 2024 - OLH/W Alpine
Hi All,
Saturday looks partly cloudy and the coolest day of the week, so at the risk of incurring everyone's ire at doing OLH yet again, I thought it represented a good chance to climb West Alpine.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
~44 miles and 4800 ft
Start Time
Meet: 9 AM
Leave: 9:15 AM
Ride Leader
Jonathan Lewis and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Portola Road and Alpine Road (water)
Skylonda (water)
La Honda
Sam McDonald Park (bathrooms, water)
W Alpine at Skyline
Page Mill at Arastradero
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C Ride July 20, 2024 - Coastal Classic - 8:30 Start Time
Hi All
This week is the last of the July Coastal Classics to take in the The Bike Hut Classic climb. Please sign up if you haven’t.
We will start earlier this week (8:30am) to make sure we can get back to Brandy’s house as close to 1:30 pm as possible. There we will have Terun pizza, drinks and a chance to catch up. Hope to see you all there.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave / Brandy Stewart’s House
~56 miles and 5,100 ft
Start Time
Meet: 8:30 AM
Leave: 8:40 AM
Ride Leader
Ed Stewart and other(s)
Planned Regroups:
Portola Road and Alpine Road (water)
Skylonda (water)
La Honda
Bike Hut (water)
Woodside Stores Park (water)
Sharon Park Drive
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!)
AV-C 7.13.2024: Alpine, Joaquin, & local hills (w/possible gravel option)
Hi All
This week we will keep the route a bit more local, but with some challenging climbs. The C-group typically does the Coastal route twice to capture the Bike Hut Classic (July 4 to 21), so our second round will be done again next week.
This Saturday, we will climb up to Westridge via the back way through Ladera back roads. Our first regroup will be at Little Peoples Park. The route will then take us up Alpine Rd and regroup at the top. I had a couple of requests to sprinkle in some gravel, so we can see if there is any interest to form a separate group to continue up Alpine trail/gravel. Next, the route will go up Joaquin and then make our way to Page Mill. We will then go up Page Mill and regroup at Foothill Park, and we should then meet up with the gravel group. There are then a couple of Los Altos climbs and then we will make our way back to Backyard Brew.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Alpine, Joaquin, & local hills (w/gravel option)
Stats: 37 mi, 3,508 ft
Little Peoples Park
Top of Alpine
Foothill Park
Backyard Brew
Ride Leader: John
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
AV-The 4th unofficial/Pesky/Artichoke bread & Bike Hut rehearsal ride - 7/4/24
Hi All
Some of us want to get out on the 4th & try to avoid the heat. So off to the coast we go.
This will be a leaderless (C-ish pace) and a social ride.
Ed will be heading back part way so for those who can’t do the whole ride there is the option to bail early.
This will bo a good time to test your legs before the Bike Hut Classic (July 4 to 21)
Time: gather at 7:50am. rolling by 8:00am SHARP
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: https://www.strava.com/routes/3114800008158286280
Stats: 66.7mi, 6,479ft
Alpine & Portola Rd. @ 8:30 to pick up Simon
Skylonda, Sam McDonald park, Pescadero to share some Artichoke bead,
Bike Hut, Top of Kings, Bottom of Kings & finish @ Summit bikes
AV-C Ride 6.29.2024 Los Altos Hills and Montebello
Hi All
This weekend’s route starts off with some warm-up climbs in the Los Altos Hills that will take us to the top of Rancho San Antonio. We will have a regroup in the park at our usual spot for water and restrooms. The route simply gets back to Foothill Blvd, which will then connect to Montebello climb. For those not familiar with this climb, it starts out steep with a relatively flat portion past the school (1.6 mi), followed by more climbing (Montebello Climb 5.2mi). For those Gravel types, you can keep going at the top (self-guided, Alpine trail or PM) and then consider meeting us back at Backyard Brew. We will then have a short regroup at the top and then a longer regroup at the park-stop below Mt. Eden Rd (Canyon Picnic Area). After our last regroup, we will then proceed back on Foothill Blvd.
The forecast is for warm weather. So, keep hydrated and load up on water at the regroups and consider double water bottles for your ride.
BTW, this ride will provide conditioning for the Bike Hut Classic (July 4 to 21) rides that will be coming up for AVC group in July.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Montebello AVC Route
Stats: 42.5mi, 3,791ft
Rancho San Antonio (WC)
Top of Montebello (short)
Canyon Picnic Area, park at the base of Mt. Eden (WC)
Backyard Brew
Ride Leader: John
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Jun22’24
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: OLH-84 Figure 8
42 miles, 3.3k' vertical
Let’s celebrate the reopening of West Old La Honda and 84E with the Figure 8 classic from Steve E (former B Ride leader)!
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: first regroup at Alpine and Portola, subsequent regroups will be called out in real-time
The REZ loop (with sideshow Bob) 6/8/24
Hi Peloton
We are going around the reservoir with some extra climbs you may not have been on. Sarahills & Quarry Rd after Comer
Please download the rout. https://www.strava.com/routes/3013282307531306728
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link.
We WILL stay together until the Quarry for a quick regroup. See the list of regroups below
Please maintain your “line” in the peloton and safe riding practices!!!
New riders introduce yourself
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: The REZ Loop
Finish: Back Yard Brew
Stats: ~44mi, ~4100ft
The Quarry (a quicky)
The top of Mora/Water Tank (a quicky)
Rancho San Antonio, Water/Bathrooms
Top of Comer
Mt. Winery
Stevens Creek canyon & Mt Eden, Water/Bathrooms
We will zig zag our way through Rancho & LA hills back.
Final regroup @ Back Yard Brew
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
AV-C Ride 6.1.2024 Kings Mt. Road w/Swett
Hi All
We will be going up to Skyline Saturday via Kings Mt. rd, and the weather forecast looks favorable. We will go up the typical way through Sandhill and then have a mini-regroup at Mt. Home/84. We then go through Huddart Park for a regroup at our typical spot. Next regroup is after Kings Mt and Swett climb, at the top. There is an option to go down Kings Mt. and then meet the group at the Water Temple, if you don’t want to do Skyline. We will then continue down Canada and then to Whiskey and Sandhill.
This is Roger’s last ride with us before he moves away. He will be missed and we wish him well. Hopefully, he can join us on rides on his visits to the Bay Area.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Kings Mt. Road w/Swett
Stats: both 43.2mi, 3,547ft
Mt Home & 84 (Short)
Huddart Park (loo and water)
Swett at top
Water Temple (loo and water)
Ride Leader: John
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.