C Ride
Alto Velo Saturday morning rides now start at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto.
Summit is Alto Velo's Sponsoring bike shop. Another big plus to the new start location, Terun, also a Alto Velo Sponsor, is just up the street with fabulous Italian food & attentive service.
On the C Ride (formerly known as the “Peet's Ride”) we enjoy a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (tho’ a workout it is). We practice group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled paceline.
Start: Saturdays 9:00am from Summit Bicycles at 392 California Ave in Palo Alto, rolling at 9:15am, a few minutes after the B Ride departs
Pace: Double paceline when conditions allow, jamming as hard as you like on the climbs, sticking together otherwise. On most C Ride routes riders can skip the climbs, if desired, by waiting for the group at regroup points
Regroups: We regroup at the top and bottom of hills and recover after every climb
Example route: https://www.strava.com/routes/2977827685383107158 (click here to see more)
The C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
New riders welcome!
If you’re a new rider or haven’t done a group ride before, there are many critical things that one needs to know about biking in general & about group biking in particular, some of them not so obvious. It's a good idea to learn these not-the-hard-way 😉.
Check out this blog post “How to avoid being that rider”: https://trainright.com/14-group-ride-etiquette-tips-avoid-guy-girl/
To improve your group riding skills, consider joining a skills clinic. Lorri Lown's road biking clinics have worked for many: https://savvybike.com/clinics-and-camps-new/
A simple bike fit might also make a huge difference to your comfort & safety on the bike. For instance, many riders don't feel comfortable riding “in the drops” of the handlebars. However, riding in the drops offers, by far, the most overall control & braking ease. Alto Velo sponsor Agile Physical Therapy offers bike fit assessments.
See below for details of the next ride as well as past rides.
Alto Velo C Ride Apr27’24
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Lower Page Mill, Old La Honda, 84, Canada College
40 miles, 3.4k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: soft pedal regroup on Altamont before we get to Page Mill, stopped regroup at bottom of PM and Arastradero; next regroup will be called out @ each regroup
Alto Velo C Ride 4.20.2024 Los Altos Hills, Mt Eden, Saratoga
Hi All
We will first head up Page Mill to Foothill Park, and then meander through the Los Altos Hills riding along a couple of Egan hills (Briones Way, Tepa, Mora Trail,…). We will end up in Rancho San Antonio, and them make our way to Mt Eden. We eventually get to Saratoga. We are on a group ride, so we will have mini regroups at the top of each climb. There are a couple of bail out options that I will explain at the beginning of the ride. We will have a mini regroup at the exit of Foothill Park, with major stops and water spots at Rancho, and Mc Clellan Ranch.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Los Alto Hills and Saratoga
Stats: both ~44.6mi, ~3,612ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Apr - 13 - 24: Rain Route
Hi Peloton
How can the forecast for 14 days show only 1 day of rain and that is on a Saturday? Please self organize if it is raining. I will instead ride on Sunday.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9:00am. rolling by 9:10am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: Rain Route
Stats: ~43mi, ~2366 ft
Robert’s (Woodside)
End of 92
Ralston Bike Path / Canada
Puligas Water Temple (water and bathroom)
Sand Hill (across from Shell Station)
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride 4.6.2024 Crestview via Palomar and Woodridge
Hi All
We will be going north Saturday, and the weather forecast looks favorable. We will get up to Crestview via Palomar. There are many turns up Palomar, so just follow the signs to keep on Palomar. We have a very short regroup at the gate and a longer regroup at Crestview Park. For those chasing segments, you can go up and come back to the park. We will then make our way to Woodridge and go up Woodridge climb and then connect with Black Mountain Rd. We will then head back on Skyline-Canada and the last main regroup will be at the Water Temple.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Crestview via Palomar and Woodridge
Stats: both ~44.9mi, ~3,392ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Rain Rout 3/30/24
AV-C Peloton
It looks like the forecasters are predicting rain on Saturday, and depending on the starting weather conditions, we may do a Rain route (Cañada to Crystal Springs with some extra stuff. https://www.strava.com/routes/3162875936339982438 ). If we have heavy rain @ start time I’ll be a no show but feel free to follow the rout on your own.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: https://www.strava.com/routes/3162875936339982438
Stats: both ~40mi, ~2700ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
New riders, introduce yourself!!!
Alto Velo C Ride Mar - 23 - 24: Cat’s Hill
Hi Peloton
This weekend we are making a big push to support AVRT @ Cat’s Hill. Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t look like it going to be as good as the last week but we are holding out hope. The 8:30 am race has a couple of our participants, but starting later is when you will see the most AV riders. After the ride, we will have a tent on the course with snacks and refreshments. We hope you will hangout and support the team.
The plan is to start from Summit - Los Gatos at 9:30am and ride through Almaden Valley and New Almaden. I have ridden some of these road but not all of them, but I have check with some people so we should be good. We can think of it as a true exploration ride.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9:30am. rolling by 9:40am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: AV (Almaden Valley)
Stats: ~38mi, ~3500 ft
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride, Mar16’24
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Old La Honda, 84, Palo Alto Foothills Park
41 miles, 3.8k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: soft pedal on Sandhill/Portola between Whiskey and OLH, regroup at bottom of OLH if we are not yet together; next regroup will be called out @ each regroup
Alto Velo C Ride Mar - 9 - 24: Backward Peet’s (kind of)
Hi Peloton
My creativity isn’t so great tonight, but I hope you will still enjoy it. I have taken part of the old Peet’s Ride and done it backwards, and also done some the normal way, and then added a few twists.
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link. We have 4 planned regroups and 1 water stop. We can always add more.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: Modified Backwards Peet’s
Stats: ~42mi, ~3200 ft
Westridge / Portola
Woodside Store / Tripp (after Huddard)
Edgewood / Canada
Alpine / Portola
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride Feb - 24 - 24: Modified Steve Esswein
Hi Peloton
For those of you newer to Alto Velo, we had a long time ride leader who frequently took us up OLH, and WOLH, Steve Esswein. Steve retired and moved to Bend, OR, but I have named this route in honor of him. This used to be the winter B Route on good weather days and now we are tackling it. It is only slightly different than a route we did a few weeks ago so we can definitely all do it.
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link. We have 5 planned regroups and the last planned water is Sky Londa on stop #2 there.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: Modified Steve Esswein
Stats: ~40mi, ~3600 ft
Alpine / Portola (water)
Sky Londa (everything)
Sky Londa #2 (everything)
Bottom of W 84 (quick)
Alpine / Westridge (quick)
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
AV-C Ride 2.17.2024 Rain Route
Hi All
It looks like the forecasters are predicting rain on Saturday, and depending on the starting weather conditions, we may do the classic Rain route (Cañada to Crystal Springs). If we have a bit more favorable conditions we may choose a more central route around Portola and Los Altos hills. If we are doing the Rain route, we may start with the Bers.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: AV Rain Route, Central Route
Stats: both ~36mi, ~2200ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Feb10’23
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Old La Honda and West Old La Honda
40 miles, 3.3k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
If you breakaway before the first regroup please be encouraged to wait at the first stop (if the wait is too long we will break the ride into two fragments: drop and no drop)
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: first stationary regroup at the corner of Alpine and Portola, each subsequent regroup location will be called out during a stop
The REZ loop (with some extra side streets) 2/3/24
Hi Peloton
The weather is supposed to break for our weekly Saturday ride.
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link.
We WILL stay together until the Quarry. See the list of regroups below
Please maintain your “line” in the peloton and safe riding practices!!!
New riders introduce yourself
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: The REZ Loop
Stats: ~41.5mi, ~3800ft
The Quarry (a quicky)
The top of Mora/Water Tank (a quicky)
Rancho San Antonio, Water/Bathrooms
Mt. Winery
Top of Comer
McClellan park, Water/Bathrooms
We will zig zag our way through Rancho & some LA hills back to Foothill Exp way.
Final regroup @ Back Yard Brew
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Jan - 27 - 24: 3 MidPen Hills
Hi Peloton
Is it really not going to rain this Saturday? The weather shows a little warmth but cloud cover.
I have identified regroups and water / bathroom breaks on the route link.
We WILL stay together until Foothill College and then natural selection will take effect on the hill.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: 3 MidPen Hills
Stats: ~43mi, ~3360ft
Foothill Park (Water / Bathroom)
Arastradero / Page Mill (quick)
Top of Alpine
Willowbrook / Alpine (quick)
Old Woodside Store (2nd time through - Water)
Sharon Heights Across from Shell Station (quick)
Thank you,
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride Jan/20/24: Southern Rain Route
Hi All
Forecast is for rain again on Saturday, and with wet roads, the planned route has only moderate ascents and descents. We will meander through Los Alto’s hills and end up in Rancho San Antonio for our first stop. We will then go up Stevens Canyon Road for our next stop at the end. We will then head back on Foothill Expy, with our route going through Stanford campus.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route Link: Southern Rain Route
Stats: ~43mi, ~2500ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Alto Velo C Ride Jan/13/24: Northern Rain Route
Hi Peloton
Forecast looks wet on Saturday so we will plan the Northern Rain Route. Either Simon or Ed will be leading. I will not be there if it is wet, but Simon has agreed to lead the ride regardless of weather.
Remember we have started 2024 and all riders must have a new waiver signed. If you are a member, you have completed this step. If you are just joining the ride, then you must sign the waiver from BikeReg.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: Northern Rain Route
Stats: ~38mi, ~2600ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride: Jan6’23
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Palo Alto Hills, Mount Eden
42 miles, 3.2k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Paceline when conditions allow, jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
Bring two water bottles
Peloton, we are heading south because it looks like the rain will come from the north. With luck we will be back without getting wet and if the rain starts early we will skip the Altamont loop.
If you breakaway before the first regroup you will be encouraged to wait at the first stop. If the wait is too long we will break into two fragments: drop and no drop.
Regroups: first stationary regroup in Rancho San Antonio County Park (water, bathrooms), each subsequent regroup location will be called out during a stop
Alto Velo B/C Ride Dec - 30 - 23: Rain Route
Hi Peloton
Rain is forecast for Saturday, and we are out all ride leaders except me :-0. As such, we will propose a B/C combo ride for tomorrow. It will be the Rain Route. It is a naturally shorter route (38 mi), but has lots of route variability if so chosen.
If it is wet, which it is supposed to be, don’t wait for me but rather head out at 9:15am. Self organize and be kind. Rubber side down.
** Look for a Cake and Coffee ride for Monday with better weather.
AV B/C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: Rain Route
Stats: ~38mi, ~2400ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
Alto Velo C Ride Dec - 23 - 23: Holiday Coffee Ride
Hi Peloton
Please read this section because it will tell you about Saturday’s special C Ride. If you remember, we did a coffee ride last year to celebrate the holidays and we will do it again.
We will have 2 leaders for tomorrow’s ride. John will be monitoring the front while Ed will be providing sweep.
We will stop at about mile 31 for coffee at Emerald Cafe in Emerald Hills. This coffee will be provided free courtesy of Alto Velo Bike Club.
After coffee, we have a flat ride back to Backyard Brew for another coffee and enjoyable discussions.
We are taking a couple newish roads to provide novelty and challenge.
AV C Ride
Time: Saturday, gather at 9am. rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bicycles
Route: 2023 Christmas Ride
Stats: ~41mi, ~3260ft
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!).
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
The AV C Ride offers a more moderate workout than the other Alto Velo rides (although a workout it is). Group riding skills & communication in a supportive controlled peloton are emphasized. When not on designated climbs, we aim to keep the group together.
Ed Stewart
AV-C 12/16/23 Carolands Chateau & Flintstone House
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Carolands chateau & Flintstone house
49 miles, 3.0k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding.
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Paceline when conditions allow, jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: soft pedal through Stanford. Stay together to Sandhill & 280. Rolling regroup on Manzanita. Quick Regroup @ driveway after Roberts, Canada & 92, Sawer camp, Skyline & Hayden, slow roll to Chaolands. long Regroup @ Flintstone house. Quick regroup @ top of Bunker hill, Canada & 92. Longe regroup @ water temple. Lets stay together on Canada. Returning via Mt Home, Portola & Alpine. Re-group @ Portola & Alpine. Bathrooms on Sawer camp trail, Water & bathrooms @ water temple.
If some of the regulars help “sweep” to prevent folks being dropped? Thanks.
Alto Velo C Ride Dec9’23
Starts at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto
Route: Palo Alto Hills, Alpine Rd, The Maze
45 miles, 3.8k' vertical
The AV C Ride is subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules (read them!) and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
Helmets required, no sudden lateral moves, call out hazards, call out mechanical problems, ride at a steady pace, …, ask for a mentor if you are new to group riding
Non - Members: Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our ride; however, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club.
Time: Saturday gather at 9:00am, rolling by 9:15am
Start: Summit Bikes - 392 California Ave, Palo Alto, CA
Summit is Alto Velo's sponsoring bike shop.
Paceline when conditions allow, jam as hard as you like on the climbs, occasional sprint OK, soft pedal for an in-flight regroup when we get separated
Regroup at the top of every major climb and every significant descent — everyone descends at their own safe speed
Pay attention to the regroup locations and don’t pass them if you wish to stay with the group
Bring two water bottles
Regroups: stay together at least to Taafe, regroup at entrance to Foothills Park (water, bathrooms), each subsequent regroup location will be called out during a stop