Race Report: 2024 University RR Men’s Cat 4/5

Race: University Road Race - Men’s Cat 4/5

Date: August 18th, 2024

AVRT Racers: Clark Penado

AV Club Guests: Jack Lund, Allan Feldman

Top Result: Jack Lund - 13/35

Report Author: Clark Penado

Course: 15 short (3 mile) one lane loops, with an uphill finish, and a long overall climb and fast descent. Good paving.

Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/12182978092

Nutrition: 4 energy gels, 1 bottle of high carb drink mix and 1 bottle of gatorade/malto mix (plus several plain water bottles from neutral support to cool off)

Event Recap: This race was run just after high noon, and standing at the start line it was definitely possible to feel the UV index. The directors opted to give us a warm up lap to feel out the course, before giving us the go ahead into the second time around to really pick up the pace. From the get go it was clear everyone was benefitting from their summer training, especially over a steeper bump at the end of the climb of the course. Going over the hill into the descent, there were definitely some solid fights for wheels and for position, which cooled off around the one turn on the downhill. Unfortunately my front derailleur wasn’t shifting into the big ring, so I had to really surf some wheels to stay in the bunch. 

On the next climb I ended up maxing out my heart rate trying to stay in the lead pack, and lost contact just after the feed zone. From here I ended up working with someone from Team California for one more time around before Jack was able to bridge to us on the descent with an additional unattached rider. 

From here on it was fairly uneventful, just taking laps with a push on the ascent, and cruising the descent with some pulls here and there. During the final lap there was an increase in pace, particularly on the last steep bit just before the descent part of the course. Just before the final turn into the uphill finish there was a bit of a cat and mouse for positioning, before everyone really started pushing the pedals for the finish. Jack went after the line with the other two riders, and I didn’t have the legs to go with it.

This was definitely a climbers course, and in the end felt like a day of V02 max intervals on those uphill sections.


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