AV Wednesday Intervals, by AC Coaching

Hi guys, the Alto Velo group ride for intervals starts this week! And will be running every Wednesday morning.
Any level is welcome, come and do the effort at YOUR pace. I’ll be here to explain the training, help pacing, give advices, answer to any questions.

The meet up will be at woodside intersection Canada Road/84, by the parking of village bakery, at 7.15am
One warm up loop, Manuela/olive hill. After going on Kings for the intervals by 7.30am.
35min of workout to the top. 8.00/05.
Back down around 8.15am.

Session: 11 times (1' @110 - 20" @125) - Repeats of 1' @110% directly followed by 20" @125%. With 1’30” rest, easy spin.
Be careful for the 20". Don't go all out, go harder, but still in control.
Or you might find the training too hard from the 6-7th rep. I’ll always advise to finish stronger, never “crash” a workout by starting too hard. You will always have time to empty the tank by the last reps if you want ;)
So start conservative, finish strong, feel good and enjoy!

Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3049221988200414344?v2=true

Summary: 15 miles / Up&Down Kings. One warm up loop, Manuela/olive hill. After going on Kings for the intervals.

Start: Village Bakery Parking, Woodside. Intersection Canada Road / 84
(Woodside Intersection)

Time: Wednesday 25th January, Meet 7.10 a.m., Leave 7:15 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Andrea Cloarec, AC Coaching


AV Wednesday Intervals 02/01, by AC Coaching


Review: Princeton Carbonworks Wake 6560