AV Wednesday Intervals 06/07, by AC Coaching

Hi guys, Over Unders for this week!
Any level is welcome, come and do the effort at YOUR pace. I’ll be here to explain the training, help pacing, give advices, answer to any questions.

The meet up will be at woodside intersection Canada Road/84, by the parking of village bakery, at 7.15am
Back down around 8.15am.

Session: Over-Under + fun, 4 sets of:
2' @100%, 30" @110, directly back into 2' @100%, 30" @110. Finishing with 20" fun hard effort.
3' rest, super easy.
Repeat for 4 total sets.
Very useful to learn how to go back into your threshold zone after doing an hard effort (VO2max effort). Keep the first reps in control. You’ve got 4 sets to do. And always finish strong with a 20” at the end of each set, sprint for the win!

Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3049221988200414344?v2=true

Summary: 15 miles / Up&Down Kings. One warm up loop, Manuela/olive hill. After going on Kings for the intervals.

Start: Village Bakery Parking, Woodside. Intersection Canada Road / 84
(Woodside Intersection)

Time: Wednesday 7th June, Meet 7.10 a.m., Leave 7:15 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Andrea Cloarec, AC Coaching


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