AV Wednesday Intervals 04/26, by AC Coaching
Hi guys, new week of intervals, a classic 2 minutes repeats.
Any level is welcome, come and do the effort at YOUR pace. Lindsey and Flo will be here to explain the training, help with pacing, give advice, and answer to any questions. (I’m on holidays in Hong Kong !)
The meet up is at 7.15am
Back down around 8.15am.
Session: Vo2 - 8 reps of (2’ @110-115, 2’ rest)
8 repeats of 2' effort @110%. 2' rest.
Pace weel the first 4 reps, staying in control, at 110%. 5' rest after the 4th rep.
Build power slightly higher from 5th rep if you feel good, targetting 115 to 120%.
If you are in a week between races, keep the 2 minutes easier (90-100%). Keep a good technique, efficient cadence, play with your gears, fuel well!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3049221988200414344?v2=true
Summary: 15 miles / Up&Down Kings. One warm up loop, Manuela/olive hill. After going on Kings for the intervals.
Start: Village Bakery Parking, Woodside. Intersection Canada Road / 84
(Woodside Intersection)
Time: Wednesday 26th April, Meet 7.10 a.m., Leave 7:15 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Lindsey Raven, Flo Costa