A Ride
The A rides are led by the Alto Velo Racing Team and feature a hard, consistent pace for 3-5 hours of riding. The Sunday A Ride is the most challenging ride offered by Alto Velo. The Saturday A Ride offers a pace between the Saturday B Ride and the Sunday A Ride and is focused on endurance. Most routes will include shorter options in case you want to join for the first part but have afternoon commitments or don't (yet!) have the fitness to hang in for the whole ride. These rides do not stop often, so two full bottles and plenty of snacks are highly recommended.
Start Point: Summit Bicycles at 392 California Ave in Palo Alto
Start Time:
Saturday A Ride: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.
Sunday A Ride:
October - May: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.
June - September: Meet at 8 a.m. Roll at 8:10 a.m.
Pace: Fast. Expect to climb Old La Honda in 21 minutes or less.
Regroups: Rarely. Highly recommended that you know the route and/or download to your head unit.
Example route: https://www.strava.com/routes/10975526
The A Rides are subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules and all participants must sign an annual waiver.
See below for details of the upcoming rides as well as past rides.
Sunday A-Ride 9/15/2024: Bear Creek, Black Rd, and Gist Rd
Let’s tackle some fun climbs in the mountains this Sunday. We’ll stop for water early about 14 miles in because the next stop isn’t until mile 45. It should be a fun route, will be a bit cooler so might be a bit misty on Skyline. We can decide as a group wether to go up Black Rd in its entirety or turn on Gist Rd.
As usual, let’s keep it steady on the flats, have your fun on the climbs as we’ll regroup at the top of each major one.
Reminder: The A-ride meets at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto at 8 am Sunday
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3269497402091148454
Summary: 82 miles / 8,800 feet: Summit Bicycles > 9 > Bear Creek Road > Summit Rd > Black Road > Gist Road > Skyline > Page Mill > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8:00 AM, Leave 8:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Nathan Martin
Sunday A Ride - 9/8/2024 - San Carlos Hills - 92/Skyline - Portola - LAH
Come one, come all to this Sunday’s A Ride! It’s sure to be a blast as we start by traversing the hills of San Carlos and Hillsborough. We’ll then ascend 92 and Skyline as we take in the gorgeous views of the ocean on the right and bay on the left. Come down Kings Mtn, wind our way through Portola Valley. Then we’ll make our way up upper Alpine, down Trancos. Finally, we’ll cap off the day by winding through the hills of Los Altos. Looking forward to seeing you out there!
Reminder: The A-ride meets at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto at 8 am Sunday
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3267216540661242800
Summary: 66 miles; 6500ft climbing; San Carlos Hills - 92/Skyline - Portola - LAH
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8:00 AM, Leave 8:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Brad Lovegren
Saturday A-Ride - September 7, 2024 - Not not Pescadero
For this week’s A Endurance Ride, we’re not not going to be riding through Pescadero. We’re going to include some longer suspended climbs on Highway 9 and Tunitas, so break out your lighter wheels and smaller chainrings if you have them.
We’ll aim for a steady 3.0 W/kg pace, riding efficiently with the option to paceline on the flatter sections. There will be regroups at the top of each climb, and a brief water stop at Pescadero, with the option to refill again at the base of Kings if needed; otherwise, stops will be minimal. Please pack in all the nutrition you will need for the duration of the ride. Personally, I’ll be bringing two bottles of high carb mix, 2-3 clif bars, and 4 energy gels (all courtesy of our sponsor, The Feed) with the plan to refill using plain water.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3266579554288998492
Summary: 80 miles / 8,352 feet: Summit Bicycles > Stevens Creek > Mt Eden > Hwy 9 > Skyline > W Alpine > Pescadero (water stop) > Stage > Bike Hut > Lobitos Creek > Tunitas > Kings > Sand Hill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Clark Penado
Sunday A-Ride 9/1/2024: Bohlman - On Orbit - Bohlman and Bear Creek
Join us for another fun Sunday A-Ride! We’ll warm up on our way to Los Gatos and then take on the challenging Bohlman - On Orbit - Bohlman climb. After regrouping at the top, we’ll carefully traverse the brief Motevina gravel section before descending and making our way to Bear Creek Road. Once we reach Skyline, there’s a bit more climbing, and then all downhill to Page Mill and back to Summit Bicycles.
As usual, let’s regroup at the top of the climbs and stay together on the flats and descents. Plan to bring two big bottles, as we’ll likely stop once at Castle Rock (it shouldn’t be too warm on Sunday). If necessary, we can add a water stop at Stevens Creek Reservoir or divert to Lexington Elementary. Hope to see you out there!
Reminder: The A-ride meets at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto at 8 am Sunday
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3264738613782904812
Summary: 60 miles / 7,200 feet: Summit Bicycles > Los Gatos > Bohlman - On Orbit - Bohlman > Montevina > Bear Creek Road > Skyline > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8:00 AM, Leave 8:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Henry Mallon
AV A Endurance - 8.24.24: Zack’s Farewell (for now!)
Hey all! I’m moving to Boston this Sunday. It will be a while until I get a chance to ride in the Bay, so the endurance A ride will be a blowout of some of my favorite roads. The ride’s end destination is the AV Picnic at Shoup Park, where we will devour tacos in celebration of our epic journey. Picnic starts at 3pm so we have a time goal.
We will aim for a steady 2.5-3.5 W/kg throughout the ride. Although I plan to smash the climbs, I will enforce solid regroups to make the ride widely accessible. Let’s aim to climb at around 3.5 W/kg.
First, we are all going to PR up Page Mill Road. As motivation, and in the spirit of my move, you can listen to Shipping Up to Boston for inspiration. After a solid regroup (and water refill), we will descend Alpine Road to Haskins, head toward Pescadero, branch out to Pigeon Point, then return to Pescadero for another food/water break. We will then go up Tunitas (with a water break at the Bike Hut if needed) via Lobitos Creek. Finally, we will descend Kings, then follow Portola Valley to Shoup park.
If we’re running low on time, we will cut out Lobitos Creek (saving 5 miles and 500 feet). We can also follow Skyline to 84 instead of descending Kings, but will play that by ear.
See you soon!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3261931862358927642
Summary: 88 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Old Page > Page Mill > Alpine > Haskins > Cloverdale > Gazos Creek > Pigeon Point (via Highway 1) > Bean Hollow > Stage > Bike Hut > Tunitas > Kings > Portola Valley > Shoup Park
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Zack Berger
AV A Endurance -Saturday 08/17
This Saturday the A Endurance ride will take you to HMB to reclaim one of our favorite roads “Higgins Canyon” which I heard is open to bikes again. We will try to practice pace lining on Hwy 1 and 84 ( a skill that I realize needs to refreshed on AV rides). We will then climb W-Alpine before descending back to summit through Page.
You can do your workouts on two big climbs (Kings & W-Alpine) in this route, whatever that keeps you fit. However, we will stay together and keep a steady pace at 2.5-3 W/kg everywhere else. We will regroup at tope of climbs and after long descents. Please respect the pace, if in doubt, don’t pass the ride leader. We will have a 20 min stop in HMB and if required a quick water stop in fire station in La Honda before final climb.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3259257417620625206
Summary: 76 miles / 7,300 feet: Summit Bicycles > Old Page> Aras> PV> Trip > Kings > Tunitas > Lobitos > Verde > Purisima Creek > Higgins > HMB > Hwy 1 > 84 > W-Alpine > Page > Page > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati
Saturday A-Ride - August 10, 2024 - Pigeon Point
For this week’s A Endurance Ride, we’ll head out to Pigeon Point for a fun ride at the coast! This route includes some of my favorite backroads, namely Cloverdale, Bean Hollow, and Lobitos Creek.
We’ll aim for a steady 3.0 W/kg pace, riding efficiently and pacelining on the flatter sections. There will be a brief water stop at Pescadero at mile 47, and we’ll also quickly regroup at Alice’s; otherwise, stops will be minimal. I recommend you carry all the food you’ll need for the ride (i.e. around 400-450g carbs).
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3254515217037370706
Summary: 84 miles / 8,100 feet: Summit Bicycles > OLH > 84 > Haskins > Cloverdale/Gazos Creek > Hwy 1 > Bean Hollow > Pescadero (water stop) > Stage > Bike Hut > Lobitos Creek > Tunitas > Kings > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: George Wehner
Sunday A Ride August 11, 2024 - RWG9/ Montevina
Hello! This Sunday the plan is to start the ride with a leisurely ascent of Page Mill to Altamont. We will then head south on Foothill to ascend the short but not too sweet Redwood Gulch. We will continue climbing up Hwy 9, take a left on Skyline, and continue climbing as we hit the Castle Rock high point. As we descend skyline, we will meet the ‘squiggly’ section and weave our way south where we will descend Mt Charlie/ Old Santa Cruz Hwy. We’ll cap off our climbing by going up and over Montevina to descend down a technical Bohlman (be careful!). We’ll take the flat way back to foothill and call it a day!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3255894757325201304
Summary: 69 Miles, 7100ft climbing - Summit Bicycles -> Page Mill up to Altamont -> Foothill -> RWG9 -> Skyline south -> down OSC -> up Montevina -> down Bohlman
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Brad Lovegren
Saturday, A-Endurance Ride, Alba!
This Saturday the A Endurance ride is headed for one of the most challenging climbs in this area, the mighty Alba climb in Santa Cruz mountains, 4 miles average 10%. It also features one of the best descents in bay area, Bonny Doon which drops you from Empire grade to the ocean.
You can only (!!) hammer three climbs on this route: RWG+9, Alba and West Alpine. We will regroup at tope of climbs and after long descents. However, we will stay together and keep a steady pace at 2.5-3 W/kg everywhere else. Please respect the pace, if in doubt, don’t pass the ride leader. We will have 3 quick stops in Boulder Creek (mile 33) , Swanton Strawberry farm (mile 53) and Pescadero (mile 73), each stop limited to 15 min.
See you there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3254139708900831810
Summary: 104 miles / 9,900 feet: Summit Bicycles > Foothill > Stevens Canyon> RWG > Hwy 9 > BC > Alba > Empire Grade> Bonny Doon> Pescadero > Haskins > W-Alpine > Page > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati
Sunday, A-Ride, Kings + WOLH 07.28.2024
Apologies for my tardiness! Better late than never, am I right? Unfortunately, I couldn't find a stand-in, so I'll keep it snappy due to my other commitments. We're heading to Kings, where you can go wild to your heart's content, then regroup at the top briefly. Proceed to West 84 via skyline, which we will roll down as a group, arriving to WOLH, charge at what ever pace you desire, pausing at the top for selfies, or what ever fancies you. Proceed to East 84, back into woodside, heading towards whiskey hill, Sand Hill and back to summit.
Side note: Skyline this morning was wet and cold, dress appropriately.
Summary: 47.32 mi / 4,113 ft / Estimated time 2:36 - Summit Bicycles -> Junipero -> Alpine -> Portola -> Mountain Home -> Woodside Rd -> Kings -> Skyline -> 84 W -> WOLH -> 84 E -> Woodside Rd -> Whiskey -> Sand Hill -> Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Steven Pelas
Saturday A-Endurance - 7/27/24 - Andrew’s Going Away Party
Hello riders,
Join me for my final A ride before I jump on the bandwagon and move to Boulder. We're going to do one of my favorite loops (Big Basin + Boulder Creek). Those of you that ride with me often know that I love a good coffee stop, so we'll stop for about half an hour at Jenna Sue's cafe in Boulder Creek to chat and enjoy coffee and treats. The pace will be relaxed endurance (2.5-3.0 W/kg). You are welcome to ride ahead at any point if you'd like a faster pace or to power through the cafe stop.
We'll start with a climb up Page. Feel free to go at your own pace until we hit our first regroup at the top of Page/Skyline. Then we'll take Skyline towards 9. Short regroup before we turn right down 9 towards Big Basin. We'll pause briefly before continuing straight onto Big Basin to ensure no one got dropped on the descent. After making our way through Big Basin, we'll stop in Boulder Creek at Jenna Sue's for our cafe stop. Then we'll head up Bear Creek with another quick regroup before turning left to Skyline. Then the last regroup will be a water stop at Castle Rock Park, before we head back the way we came on Skyline, down Page, and back to Backyard Brew!
Water stops - Boulder Creek and Castle Rock
See you there!
https://strava.app.link/I63vdqRFuLb — AVA 7/27 - Andrew's going away party
Summary: 81 miles / 8.8K feet: Summit Bicycles > Page > 9 > Big Basin > Boulder Creek > Bear Creek > Skyline > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Andrew Wrist
Sunday A-Ride - July 21, 2024 - Bike Hut Last Chance
Hey everyone,
This Sunday we will take on Tunitas as a group to clock our best times for the Bike Hut Classic. We’re looking for a big group to maximize the effect of the draft. For those who don’t want to suffer for a full 30-40 minutes on Tunitas, you can still help everyone looking to PR by giving your best leadout!
We will warm up with OLH before descending 84, climbing Haskins and then riding through Pescadero. We will continue along the Pescadero RR heading north on Stage Rd and briefly onto Hwy 1 before turning onto Tunitas. Fill (or empty) your bottles at the Bike Hut before an all-out effort to Skyline. We will regroup at the bottom of Kings before rolling back to Summit.
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Link to Route
Bike Hut Last Chance (Garmin Here) (Strava Here)
65 miles, 8000 feet
Start Time
Meet: 8 AM
Leave: 8:10 AM
Ride Leaders
- Top of OLH, Pescadero, Bike Hut, Bottom of Kings
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Saturday A-ride - July 20, 2024 - Women's team takeover
Hi everyone,
This weekend the women’s racing team is having our team camp and we’re inviting everyone to join us on Saturday for an endurance ride with one optional hard effort up Tunitas. Men are welcome to join so long as they respect the pace set by those of us leading the ride. It would actually be great if a few of you joined and helped lead-out for Bike Hut efforts. If you decide to try to show off and blow up the ride Niky will draft you and lecture you about feminism which is at most, guilt-inducing and at least annoying, so please respect the ride leaders.
The plan is to go easy up Kings, organize lead-outs up Tunitas for the Bike Hut Classic, paceline back on Canada, maybe try lead-outs again for the fire station sprint at the end of Portola, and then finish off with Alpine & Joaquin. This is a no-drop ride so we’ll regroup at the top of hills and base of descents where appropriate.
See you there!
Start / End Location
Summit Bicycles, California Ave
Women's team Endurance-A takeover
69 miles, 6,457 feet
Start Time
Meet: 9 AM
Leave: 9:10 AM
Ride Leaders
Louise and Niky
- Top of Tunitas
- The Bike Hut
- Top of Tunitas again
- The Water Temple
- Portola and Alpine
- Top of Joaquin
Non - Members:
Alto Velo welcomes non-members to join us on our rides. However, non-members must have a Waiver on file with the club. Filling out the waiver is only required one time per year.
Ride Etiquette https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Sunday A-ride - July 14, 2024 - Kings, WOLH, OLH
A French leader for the French National Day =). We’ll quickly go to the coast to get some fresh air. Tempo on Kings, nice views on Swett/Star hill road before going down Tunitas. Quick Stop at San Gregorio for coffee. Before going up 84 and West Old La Honda. Bring fresh legs to stay on the train up 84 =)
And an extra loop down 84, up OLH because we like it and we want to train and progress, right?
See you on Sunday to enjoy!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3246620155219613190
Summary: 65 miles / 6000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Junipero Serra > Sand Hill > Whiskey Hill > 84 > Kings > Swett Road> Down Tunitas > San Gregoria >Up 84 and WOLH > Down 84 > Up OLH > Down 84 > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m. sharp.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Andrea Cloarec
Saturday A-Ride - July 6, 2024 - Endurance Bike Hut Classic
Hi everyone,
Following suit with the common theme this week, the Endurance A ride will roll through Pescadero and provide the opportunity for a Bike Hut Classic PR. We will head out on Sand Hill over to Old La Honda so that we can avoid going the same direction as Spectrum. We will do a regroup after Old La Honda with a potential water stop at Sky Londa before departing to Pescadero. Here we will have another option for a water stop before taking a right onto Stage Road and heading up towards the bike hut. Finally, we will climb Tunitas before descending down via Kings and rolling back towards Summit Bicycles.
Please bring two bottles (preferably larger) and enough nutrition for the duration of the ride! We will be aiming to do ~3.0w/kg, and while there will be water stops these should ideally be on the shorter side. Eating and drinking enough will be critical if you are interested in going for a Bike Hut PR.
See you there!
Route: A-Ride 7-6-24 | 66.2 mi Cycling Route on Strava
Summary: 66 miles / 6554 feet: Summit Bicycles > Junipero Serra > Sand Hill > Old La Honda > 84 > Pescadero > Stage > San Gregorio > 1 > Tunitas > Kings > 84 > Whiskey Hill > Sand Hill > Junipero Serra > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m. sharp.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Clark Penado
Sunday A-ride - July 7, 2024 - Bike Hut Classic - Be there!
Hi everyone,
It looks like it’s cooling down a bit on Sunday (possibly), so it’s a perfect chance to head out to Half Moon Bay via Kings, Skyline, and 92, and then go for a Bike Hut Classic PR. There are only two major climbs on this one, and most riders will likely take Kings a bit easier (3.5-4.0 w/kg) so that they have a lot left for the Tunitas effort. In any case, let’s regroup at the top of Kings, and then make a quick stop (10 minutes) in downtown HMB, before heading up 1 and left on Tunitas. We’ll briefly stop at the bike hut before hitting the Bike Hut Classic segment (which starts a few hundred yards after the hut). There is a big drafting benefit for the first, flat couple of miles, so let’s get a good paceline going there, and then everyone can go as hard as they want to the top. We’ll pause a few minutes there before descending Kings and heading back to Summit. Should be a fun time and a chance to get a solid Bike Hut Classic time, whether you’re entering the competition or just going for a PR, so I hope to see you there.
Route: A-Ride 7-7-24 | 57.3 mi Cycling Route on Strava
Summary: 57 miles / 5300 feet: Summit Bicycles > Junipero Serra > Sand Hill > Whiskey Hill > 84 > Kings > Skyline > 92 > Main Street HMB > 1 > Tunitas > Kings > 84 > Whiskey Hill > Sand Hill > Junipero Serra > Summit
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m. sharp.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Nat Green
Saturday 6/29 and Sunday 6/30 A Rides: Skills Days!
Hi all,
Everyone’s fitness seems to be coming along great now that we have reliably nice weather to train in, so now is the perfect time to do a little skills clinic to make sure we’re racing smart and safe this summer! This weekend’s A rides will focus on practicing skills that are necessary for safe and competitive racing. Two of our Domestic Elite Team riders, Pierre-Amaury Laforcade and Jon Wells will lead us through drills each day. More details below.
These skills clinics are open to all Alto Velo members who are interested in practicing race skills. If you aren’t yet a member you can become one today at https://www.bikereg.com/altovelo2024. If you’re comfortable rolling a paceline and occasionally bumping elbows, you should be fine, but please note that this is NOT a beginner course. If you are still new to group riding, please join us another weekend.
Saturday 6/29
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.
Plan: Bring sneakers to leave in my car at the start! We’ll begin with 2h of mostly continuous riding to practice pace lines, bump drills, and descents. Then we’ll head to a large parking lot to practice cornering, track stands, bunny hops, etc. Sneakers will be helpful for the low speed drills here so you don’t need to worry about unclipping.
Sunday 6/30
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.
Plan: We’ll ride over to Alviso and expect to arrive there around 9am. We’ll then divide into teams and do some practice races around the famous Alviso course. We’ll practice skills like handing up/taking a bottle while riding, executing a leadout, and attacking a group.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sunday A-ride 6/23 - The holy trinity
Hello riders,
It’s going to be a warm weekend, but cooler on Sunday, which will be perfect for this route with the earlier start time of 8:00am.
We’ll start going south and warm up on Grant’s favorite 3 minute climb before climbing Bohlman/On-orbit. After a regroup at the top and a short gravel adventure, we’ll go down Montevina. If the fruit stand is where it usually is at the bottom of Bear Creek we can get some light refreshments. We’ll then continue around the reservoir to climb Soda Springs, and descend back to the reservoir and climb Black rd. to Skyline. After a quick water stop, we’ll continue to Page mill and back to Summit.
Water stops - Saratoga if people want to top off before Bohlman, food stand at the bottom of Bear Creek (if present), Castle rock. Note: No soda at the top of Soda springs.
Come for the entire route, or take one of the many shortcut opportunities along this route.
See you there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3238706090926003488
Summary: 75 miles / 10K feet: Summit Bicycles > Eden > Bohlman/On-orbit > Montevina > Soda Springs > Black Rd > Skyline > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Shai Traister
Saturday A Ride 6/22 - Page Mill/Montevina/Bear Creek
Hello riders, we are going down to Lexington Reservoir again this week! We’ll start by climbing Page Mill and going left on Hwy 9, and after a quick water stop at Castle Rock we can enjoy a ripping descent on the rest of Skyline and Black Rd all the way down to the reservoir. Then we will turn left, climb Montevina, and come back down - don’t get too distracted by the spectacular views as the descent is a bit technical! If the fruit stand is where it usually is at the bottom of Bear Creek we can get some light refreshments, as there’s nowhere to get water until we get back to Los Gatos/Saratoga. From the top of Bear Creek we’ll go left on Summit and then enjoy a nice gentle descent down Old Santa Cruz Hwy before circling around the reservoir to the gravel trail back to Los Gatos. From there it’s just Toll Gate to Eden to Foothill and back home.
If you’re not already heat acclimated, this ride should do the trick as we are expecting high temperatures of 88F/31C on Saturday. Please bring two big bottles!! We’ll be doing around 3.0w/kg all day but with minimal stopping, so that we can ideally get all the big climbs out of the way before the heat reaches its peak at around 2pm.
See you there!
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3222628425655782340
Summary: 75 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Page Mill > Skyline > Black Rd > up & down Montevina > Bear Creek > Toll Gate to Pierce/Eden > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Richard Red
A Ride - Sunday 6/16 -Pescadero
This week we’ll head to Pescadero the long way with many opportunities to cut the ride short. The pace will be endurance. Riders can climb as hard as they like on main climbs including Kings, Haskins and West Alpine but we attempt to stay together for the rest of the route. We will regroup at top of main climbs.
We’ll do a “quick” water stop at Bike hut (mile 28) and a 20 min coffee/water stop in Pescadero (mile 47) after finishing the Bean Hollow loop.
Start Time: The A-ride meets at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto at 8 am Sunday. We will roll at 8:10 am.
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3236570442229585686
Summary: 89 miles / 8,600 feet: Summit Bicycles > Kings > Tunitas> Lobitos Creek > Lobitos cut-off < Tunitas < Hwy1 > Stage > Pescadero > Hwy 1 >Bean Hollow Road > Pescadero > Haskins > West Alpine > 35 > 84 > PV > Alpine > Summit Bicycles
Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto
Time: Meet 8:00 AM, Leave 8:10 AM
Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules
Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati