A Ride


The A rides are led by the Alto Velo Racing Team and feature a hard, consistent pace for 3-5 hours of riding. The Sunday A Ride is the most challenging ride offered by Alto Velo. The Saturday A Ride offers a pace between the Saturday B Ride and the Sunday A Ride and is focused on endurance. Most routes will include shorter options in case you want to join for the first part but have afternoon commitments or don't (yet!) have the fitness to hang in for the whole ride. These rides do not stop often, so two full bottles and plenty of snacks are highly recommended.

Start Point: Summit Bicycles at 392 California Ave in Palo Alto

Start Time:

  • Saturday A Ride: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.

  • Sunday A Ride:

    • October - May: Meet at 9 a.m. Roll at 9:10 a.m.

    • June - September: Meet at 8 a.m. Roll at 8:10 a.m.

Pace: Fast. Expect to climb Old La Honda in 21 minutes or less.

Regroups: Rarely. Highly recommended that you know the route and/or download to your head unit.

Example route: https://www.strava.com/routes/10975526

The A Rides are subject to Alto Velo's Ride Rules and all participants must sign an annual waiver.

See below for details of the upcoming rides as well as past rides.

Alto Velo Alto Velo

2/5/2023 A Ride

The A Ride will head to the coast this week! And the emphasis this week is on “group” ride. Kings and West Alpine are there so you can do whatever you want with, but the rest of the ride we will try to stay together at a steady pace (~3wkg). As Austin once said “if you drop the group on the flats you are effectively dropping yourself from the ride.” See you there!

Route: 2/5/23 A Ride

Summary: 64 miles / 6600 feet: Summit Bicycles > Kings > Tunitas > HWY 1 > Pescadero (short water stop) > West Alpine > Page Mill

Regroups: Top of Kings. Pescadero. Top of W Alpine.

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Nico Sandi

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Gina Yuan Gina Yuan

A-Ride 1/29/23 - Lexington Reservoir + Black

This week, we will head to Lexington Reservoir to climb Black Rd---my first time! Water stops in Los Gatos right before the gravel and on Skyline at the fire station after Hwy 9. And let's take a picture at the reservoir. Feel free to do your own pace on the climb, but otherwise pace will be steady ~3 w/kg everywhere (except the downhills which will be 4 w/kg… jk). I will get boba at Ume Tea on Cal Ave after. Hope to see you there!

Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3052727908430580332

Summary: 66 miles / 5900 feet: Summit Bicycles > Foothill > Saratoga > Los Gatos (water) > Lexington Reservoir > Black > Skyline (water at fire station) > 84 > Sand Hill > Summit

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Gina Yuan

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-ride 1/22/23

While many local roads are still recovering from the damage of flooding, let’s head south to explore the daunting Mt. Umunhum. On the way back, we will climb Hwy9 then descend Page back because why go through a flat route when there’s a climb.

Pace will be steady 3.0-3.5 w/kg on the flat and 3.5-4.0 w/kg on the climbs. You’re welcome to do harder intervals on the climb, but it’s a courtesy to turn back once you reach the top to get more miles in ride with your teammates. We will regroup on top of Mt. Umunhum and stop at Saratoga on the way back for water.

Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3050481205947506686

Summary: 80 miles / 8800 feet: Summit Bicycles > Foothill > Saratoga > Los Gatos > Kennedy Rd > Hicks Rd > Mt. Umunhum (water stop at top) > Los Gatos > Saratoga (water stop) > Hwy 9 > Skyline > page > Summit

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Jack Liu

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Austin King Austin King

A Ride 1/15 - Steady Endurance

For this weeks A ride, we’ll be doing a classical coastal loop with a fun twist: z2 pace! The goal will be to maintain a steady endurance pace (2.5-3 w/kg). The group will regroup after each major climbing, leaving individuals an opportunity to get their efforts in as appropriate. 

We’ll roll out from Summit, and begin the day with yet another climb up Old La Honda. We will stop at 84 and Skyline for water. After descending 84 to San Greezy, we’ll cruise over to the second climb of the day: Tunitas. After waiting for Cam to finish the climb, we'll rip down Skyline and 92 to return to Canada, the place where fun goes to die. At this point riders will choose their own adventure to go back to whatever hole they came from.

As we know, there is a lot of debris in the road. Sunday is not the day to experiment with your ultra supple tubular tire. A good robust, tubeless setup is recommended. Cameron will be inspecting sealant levels.

Water Stops:

84/Skyline after OLH

Bike Hut on Tunitas



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Alto Velo Alto Velo

SF Saturday Special Ride -1/14/23

With the current weather forcing the Coast Ride to get cancelled, it’s time to take care of the rainy day blues and get out for a ride across the bridge. Although there is a bit of rain in the forecast, we’ll stick along the flat roads and refuel at the bakeries in Point Reyes station to get us through it!

Route: Strava Route

Summary: 75 miles / 4,800 feet: Once out of the city, we’ll ride north along Hwy 1 to Point Reyes Station, and head back to Fairfax through Nicasio Valley.

Start: Golden Gate Bridge Plaza, SF (parking in Sports Basement Presidio)

Time: Meet 8 a.m., Leave 8:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Daniel Fonyo

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 1/8/23

The forecast calls for rain, but winds are looking manageable, so as of now A-Ride is ON for this week. Plan is to re-attempt Cam's New Years ride, but we will adjust if needed pending road and weather conditions.

We’ll keep the climbs short until we reach Haskins around mile 80; bring lots of food so you don’t join the ranks of AV’ers who have bonked on West Alpine. We will stop for water in HMB at mile 25 and again the second time through Pescadero at mile 70. Otherwise plan for rolling regroups after the shorter climbs along the coast. Plan is still to have a hard, steady pace, though there will be plenty of skippable climbs and bailout options should the weather take a turn for the worse.

Route: Save the best for Last https://www.strava.com/routes/3043785534596368578

Summary: 100 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Whiskey > Cañada > 92 > Higgins > Lobitos CCW > 1 > Stage > Bean Hollow > 1 > Gazos Creek > Haskins > West Alpine > Page

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Ian Twamley

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 1/1/23

After what looks to be a rainy Saturday, the A ride will start 2023 by heading to the coast. We’ll keep the climbs short until we reach Haskins around mile 80; bring lots of food so you don’t join the ranks of AV’ers who have bonked on West Alpine. We will stop for water in HMB at mile 25 and again the second time through Pescadero at mile 70. Otherwise plan for rolling regroups after the shorter climbs along the coast. This will be a hard, steady pace, though there will be plenty of skippable climbs and bailout options if your NYE festivities catch up to you at some point during the ride.

Route: Save the best for Last https://www.strava.com/routes/3043785534596368578

Summary: 100 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Whiskey > Cañada > 92 > Higgins > Lobitos CCW > 1 > Stage > Bean Hollow > 1 > Gazos Creek > Haskins > West Alpine > Page

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Cameron O’Reilly

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 12/25

The last A ride of 2022 will take advantage of some quiet roads to visit Big Basin and Zayante. Plan for minimal stops, probably just for water since I’m not sure what will be open on Christmas day. This will be a hard, steady pace, so you should bring a lot of food. If you aren’t free for the entire adventure, please join for what you can!

Route: Boulder Creek XXL https://www.strava.com/routes/3035813513744284414

Summary: 95 miles / 9,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > Page > 35 > 9 > 236 > 9 > Zayante > Bear Creek > 35 > 9 > Pierce > Foothill

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Cameron O’Reilly

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 12/18- World Cup Edition-Late start at 10:00!

Looking forward to the World Cup Finale?  To avoid the conflict, we will start the A ride at 10:00 am this week to allow avid fans be able to watch the final match of the world cup!

This week's A ride takes us to Pigeon lighthouse through the Cloverdale road.   We will be doing sweet-spot on two long climbs (Page & Tunitas) and tempo on the flats. We regroup at top of the climbs and try to stay together in flat/rollers. We'll have one stop for food/water in Pescadero (at mile 45).

Route: AV A-12.18.2022

There are multiple ways to cut this ride shorter including this one in case you need to be back home earlier: shortcut alternative

Summary (84 miles, 8,200 ft): Summit Bicycles > Pagemill > W-Alpine > Haskins > Cloverdale > 1 > Bean Hollow> Pescadero > Stage > 1 > Tunitas> Starhill > Swett > Skyline > 84 > Woodside > Sandhill > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 10:00 a.m., Leave 10:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Hoss Hayati

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 12/4

‘Tis the season to be hauling it down Highway 1. At least I think that’s how the song goes. Come on A-Ride this Sunday for some fun base miles!

Please note that there’s a chance of rain in the forecast. I think this route will be fun and safe even in light rain, but if the rain looks like it’ll be heavier, I may change the route to something flatter. I’ll send out a new email if that’s the case.

Route: AV A Ride 12/4/22

Summary: Summit Bicycles > Sand Hill > Cañada > Skyline > Sharp Park > 1 > 84 > Sand Hill > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: George Wehner

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 11/27

Post-Thanksgiving blues got you down? Nothing Kings Mountain, Tunitas, and artichoke bread in Half Moon Bay can’t fix!

Join the A-Ride this Sunday for base miles and big smiles.

Route: AV A Ride 11/27/22

Summary: Summit Bicycles > Kings > Skyline > 92 > Highway 1 > Tunitas > Skyline > 84 > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Peter Ambiel

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 11/20

This week’s A-Ride will take in the classic Reverse Pescadero route. Come join us as we bank yet more base miles and take on some of the most beautiful climbs on the peninsula!

Route: AV A-Ride 2022-11-20

Summary: Summit Bicycles > OLH > 84 > Stage > Pescadero > Haskins > West Alpine > Page Mill > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 a.m. Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Will Hakim

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 11/13

Have you ever wanted to show your friends how big your FTP is? If so, come join this week’s A Ride where we tackle some of the toughest and most beautiful climbs in the Bay Area. During the ride we will target several segments where you can go for a top 10 on Strava or, more importantly, bragging rights over everyone else who showed up.

  1. Mt Eden - https://www.strava.com/segments/642780

  2. RWG to Skyline - https://www.strava.com/segments/612749

  3. Soda Springs - https://www.strava.com/segments/7938721

  4. Montevina - https://www.strava.com/segments/299849

In addition to the climbs, there are several extremely fast, twisty, and fun descents down Black Road, Soda Springs, and Bohlman. Make sure your brake pads are in good condition!

The route has several jumping off points in case you are having too much fun and want to go home early. You can easily loop back to the start from Saratoga Gap by taking Skyline to Page Mill or take the gravel connector to downtown Los Gatos after Black/Soda Springs.

Route: AV A Ride 2022-11-13 | 78.66 miles | 9,856ft Elevation Gain

Recommended Nutrition: 1,500-2,000 calories. This is a no-bonk ride!

Summary: Summit Bikes > Foothill > Stevens Canyon > Mt Eden > Pierce > Hwy 9 > Skyline > Castle Rock (Water) > Black > Soda Springs > Montevina > Bohlman > Saratoga (Water/Food) > Foothill > Summit

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 a.m. Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Grant Miller

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 11/06

This week the A-Ride heads north along Cañada/Skyline to Sharp Park/Pacifica and returns via Highway 1 and Highway 84. Since this route is flatter, we’ll focus on working together in pacelines. Our halfway point will be Half Moon Bay, where we’ll stop to refuel. Come join if you’d like to bank some base miles!

Route: AV A-Ride 2022-11-06 | 84.7 mi Cycling Route on Strava

Summary: Summit Bicycles > California > Hanover > Stanford > Junipero Serra > Sand Hill > Whiskey Hill > Cañada > Skyline > Sharp Park > Highway 1 > Stage Rd > Highway 84 > Portola > Alpine > Arastradero > Page Mill > Old Page Mill > Page Mill > Hanover > California > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 a.m. Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Michael Fryar

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 10/30

We’ll start at Summit in Palo Alto, then we’ll head out on crystal springs route with a water stop at crystal springs. This is a flatter course where we can practice some pace lining, with some sprints towards the end of Cañada.

Route: AV A Ride 10-26-22 | 48.9 mi Cycling Route on Strava

Summary: Foothill > Old Page Mill > Arastradero > Alpine > Portola > Cañada > Skyline > Crystal Springs > Polhemus > Bike Path > Cañada > woodside > Kings mountain RD > Tripp > Woodside > Portola > Alpine > Foothill > Campus > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 am. Leave 9:10 am (enthusiastically)

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Brian Shreeve

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 10/23 - Recruiting Ride

Please join us on Sunday — and invite others to join us — for our annual men’s team recruiting ride (women are of course welcome to join as well). We will meet at Summit and then head out to OLH for those who want to take a crack at this week’s Low-Key Hillclimb (or just want to go for a PR - or enjoy the scenery), descend WOLH, come back up 84 and regroup at Alice’s to refill water bottles (for those who want to take OLH easy, feel free to just turn right on Skyline at the top of OLH and meet us at Alice’s without the WOLH/84 loop). We’ll then descend 84 and head out to Cañada northbound via Tripp/Kings, likely maintaining a fast pace the rest of the way, as we loop back on Crystal Springs/Polhemus/Bike Path and Cañada southbound, before navigating back to Summit via Sand Hill and Junipero Serra. If you find yourself dazzled by the talent, speed, friendliness, or any other trait or combination of traits of the riders you meet on the ride, and are considering joining the racing team, please fill out an application for the 2023 season (link below). We hope to see everyone there!

Route: A-Ride 10-23-22 | 54.1 mi Cycling Route on Strava

Planned Stops:

  1. Mile 19ish: Alice’s

    (Additional stops as needed)

Summary: Summit Bicycles PA > California > Hanover > Stanford > Old Page Mill > Arastradero > Alpine > Portola > OLH > WOLH > 84 > Tripp > Kings > Maze > Cañada > Skyline > Crystal Springs > Polhemus > Bike Path > Cañada > Whiskey HIll > Sand Hill > Junipero Serra > Stanford > Hanover > California > Summit Bicycles PA 

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 am. Leave 9:10 am

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Nat Green

Recruiting Application Link: https://forms.gle/VpQYhSR7JkcBwaNh8

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride 10/16

We’re headed to Half Moon Bay this week for solid base climbing miles. We’ll plan on at least two to three stops (HMB, Kings/Tripp Intersection, and in PV if necessary). The pace will be Z2 and conversational. We’ll have short regroups at the tops of climbs for those who would like to push on a bit harder up Kings or Tunitas. If you plan on attending, please make sure to bring an extra layer or two if the fog doesn’t let up. 

Route: AV A Ride 10-16-22 | 65 miles, 6,200 feet  - https://www.strava.com/routes/3012558235543594862

Planned Stops:

  1. Mile 26ish: HMB - Water/Bathroom

  2. Mile 52ish: Kings/Tripp - Water

Summary: Summit Bicycles PA > Kings > HMB > Higgins > Purisma Creek > Lobitos > Tunitas > Kings > Tripp > PV > Summit Bicycles PA 

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9 am. Leave 9:15 am

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Conor Austin

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Gina Yuan Gina Yuan

A-Ride 10/9 - Women’s Edition

This week’s A ride will be a special edition women's version for our recruiting weekend. We’ll start with an out-and-back on Cañada Rd including the Crystal Springs loop, before climbing up classic Old La Honda and descending the fun and technical Page Mill Road. Soft regroups at the top of Crystal Springs and OLH, and a water stop at Kings/Tripp. We’ll meet at Terun after the ride for some free, delicious pizza! Hope to see you there!


Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: 9am, Leave ~9:15am

Route: 55 miles, 4600 feet - https://www.strava.com/routes/2995388615881152342

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

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Alto Velo Alto Velo

A-Ride October 1

Let’s welcome October with an A-Ride classic to San Gregorio. We’ll head up Kings (Cam is looking for a leadout), down Tunitas, over Kings, and up West Alpine.


Starting at Summit Bicycles in Palo Alto at 8 a.m. As usual we’ll have short regroups on climbs and water stops as needed along the route. See you there!

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