A Ride - 2024.03.03 - LAH, OLH, WOLH, Kings 92

Come join for another delightful Sunday A ride! Weather forecast as of Saturday announces morning showers but also a more auspicious afternoon, so the current plan (subject to change depending on conditions) is to delay our arrival on the ridge by an hour or two. In that scenario, we would first do some LAH wandering, tackling shorter climbs (Taffe, Moody) first, before making our way to Old La Honda. At the top, if the ridge had time to clear out a bit, we would add an 84W-WOLH lap for good measure (and to claim we saw the ocean) before going back down 84E. At that point, I would expect the weather to have significantly improved, hence we will end the ride with a Kings 92 loop.

As a grand totalitarian ride leader, I reserve the right to adapt the route depending on weather conditions, turnout and mostly my own vibes.

As for the pace (the fun part, and what everyone expects), I personally will not do more than 3.5 W/kg on the climbs and fully expect to be dropped there, BUT we will regroup at the top of each one, and we will stay together at a 2.5-3.5 W/kg pace everywhere else. I will shamelessly call out potential hijackers, and I do not consider every potential roller (not even Arastradero) to be a “climb”.

With all said, I hope to see you on Sunday!

Route: A Ride - 2024.03.03

Summary: 67 miles / 6,700 feet: Summit Bicycles > La Paloma > Elena > Taffe > Altamont > Moody > Page > Arastradero > OLH > 84 > WOLH > 84 > Kings > 35 > 92 > Cañada > Sand Hill > Summit Bicycles.

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9 a.m., Leave 9:10 a.m.

Ride etiquette: https://www.altovelo.org/ride-rules

Ride Leader: Maxime Cauchois


A-Endurance Ride March 9th, 2024: B’s Big Basin Birthday Bash


Saturday A Ride - 2024.03.02 - Cancelled