Sunday A-Ride 11/24/2024 – OLH & Lobitos/Tunitas

This Sunday, we’ll do a classic loop with the goal of finishing before the afternoon rain rolls in. The route is shorter to stay ahead of the weather, and if conditions turn bad, we can skip Lobitos or head straight home after climbing Tunitas. I’ll probably stick to an endurance pace on the climbs, but we’ll regroup at the top of OLH and Tunitas if you want to go a bit harder. We should be fine with a single water stop at the Bike Hut before Lobitos and Tunitas, so please bring plenty of food and two large bottles.

As of now, the rain isn’t expected until late afternoon, so I hope to see you out there!

Reminder: The A-ride meets at Summit Bicycles on California Ave in Palo Alto at 9 am Sunday


Summary: 60 miles / 6,000 feet: Summit Bicycles > OLH > Skyline > 84 to San Gregorio > Stage > Hwy 1 > Tunitas to Bike Hut > Lobitos Creek > Tunitas > Kings > Summit Bicycles

Start: Summit Bicycles, Palo Alto

Time: Meet 9:00 AM, Leave 9:10 AM

Ride etiquette: 

Ride Leader: Henry Mallon


Saturday A-Ride 11/30 - Mt. Hamilton, Mines Rd, Calaveras (ALTERNATE START LOCATION)


AV A Endurance - 11/23/24-Pigeon Lighthouse